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December 21, 2005

19 Weeks, 3 Days

I am Not Happy.

I had to get on the scale last night at the doctor's office, just like I do every time I go. However, this time, I was all excited about getting on the scale because I had been monitoring my weight this month and thought I had done really well. Boy was I wrong. I am now 2 pounds heavier than I should be at the END of my pregnancy. At 19 weeks. I am not prengant, I am fat. Well, I guess I'm pregnant too, but I'm also fat. Pregnant and Fat. That's me. Super.

I didn't even get any enjoyment out of hearing the thwub thwub thwub of the baby's heartbeat. Why? Because 1) I'm fat, and 2) it's just a cruel joke since I can't get my very own shiny baby heartbeat monitor.

And then, I go to make my appointment for my ultrasound and I'm told they're OUT NEXT WEEK! The NERVE! So now I have to call the hospital and get my ultrasound at the stupid hospital or wait another week. Could I wait another week? Sure, if I wasn't FAT impatient. So I have an appointment next Tuesday (I'll be 20 weeks & 2 days) at 8:15 in the morning. I have to be there at 7:45 and then afterwards I get to go to work. Joy.

(Can you tell I'm in a crappy mood today?)

So, other than the fatness, baby and I are both in good health. I'm not sure what else the ultrasound looks for, other than sex of the baby, because that's pretty much all everyone talks about. But after the ultrasound, it's no more tests for like 8 weeks, when I get my sugar test to check for diabetes. Why they wait to check you for diabetes until you're like 3/4 of the way done, I have no idea. I would think they want to check that out up front so they can treat it. But what do I know?

Posted by Terri at December 21, 2005 10:50 AM


You are not fat - I just saw you a couple of weeks ago and you looked great to me (and I doubt that you have gained 30+ lbs. since then). Everyone gains a different amount of weight during their pregnancies. If they try to tell you that you weigh too much ever again, just put your hands over your ears, and say "la la la, I can't hear you!"

Posted by: Amber at December 21, 2005 10:20 PM

I gained almost all of it in the first half of the pregnancy. Everyone gains differently. I'm still gaining, but a HELL of a lot more slowly than I did in the first trimester. I still twitch when I think about the numbers, but there's nothing I can do about them now.

Soon, you'll have a really noticeable belly, and you won't feel "fat" - trust me. I spent weeks being miserable because of all the weight and no real belly to show for it. It'll work out in the end, and in the end, you'll have a baby. And then you can worry about the weight after.

Email me if you need to vent.


Posted by: erika at December 24, 2005 06:40 AM

I think you should name her BRYANNE.

Terri told me to sell you on that Darren.

Posted by: Snatch at January 11, 2006 01:40 PM

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