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January 09, 2006

22 Weeks, 1 Day

First of all, let me just say:


Ahem. Ok, composed now.

So yeah, the ultrasound was a few weeks ago, but I was otherwise occupied the week of the ultrasound and then I got sick, so I'm only getting around to updating now.

First the bad news.

I have no pictures. *big sad face* When I scheduled the ultrasound, I couldn't wait another week, and my doctor's office was closed the week after Christmas, so I went to the hospital. Instead of nice scanable pictures, they gave me film - as in X-Ray film - which is not so much scanable.

So off Darren and I trekked to the hospital at 7:30 in the morning. We then had to wait to check in. We then had to wait up in radiology. Meanwhile, I had to drink lots of water and not go to the bathroom. Fun. But it was all worth it when we went in there. There is a baby! And we saw the baby!!!

The baby did not so much like the ultrasound, and has a new trick. First, she curls up into a ball and then stretches out arms and legs and head as far as they will go. Over and over and over... it feels really great, let me tell you.

I still haven't gotten the official results from the ultrasound, but the tech said that nothing looked abnormal to her. We then of course wanted to know the sex of the baby. For those of you astute enough to notice my use of pronouns, you already know. But the tech told us she is 75% sure that the baby is a little girl. (Of course, I've been 100% sure that it's a girl since my hips and thighs and butt got just as fat as my stomach.)

And she loves to kick. Darren has only felt her twice, but I think there is something wrong with his hands, because I can feel it from the outside when I sit with my hands on my stomach. Because she likes to kick HARD. And at 3:00 in the morning. And the other day, she found my bladder, which is absolutely weird. It's like, you don't have to go to the bathroom at all and then suddenly it's an emergency, and then it's gone.

My next appointment is a week from tomorrow. I can't wait to get on the scale. /sarcasm

More updates after then.

Posted by Terri at January 9, 2006 11:47 AM


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