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February 07, 2006

26 Weeks, 2 Days

Everyone loves a pregnant woman.

Seriously, it's like being a mini-celebrity. I'm enjoying it now, because I know once the baby is born, s/he's going to be the center of attention, not me. But for now, people I don't know want to talk to me, asking how I feel, when I'm due, if I know the gender, have I picked out names. It's kind of cool.

Ok, fine. In all honesty women like pregnant women. Men seem to be avoiding me like the plague. Even men that I was friendly with before barely give me a cursory "hi" before running off. I mean, they hold doors and stuff, but nobody makes any eye contact. Am I paranoid? Maybe. Or maybe my big monster club feet scare them.

On another subject, I started my pre-natal yoga class yesterday. I so should have started that as soon as the stick turned blue. It was great! Now, I'm not big on yoga normally - it's way too relaxing for me. I mean, there's nobody yelling at you that if your body is not in the position it is supposed to be, you're obviously not trying hard enough (cough cough ballet cough cough). But when you're already depressed because not only can you not touch your toes anymore, you can't even see them, it's nice to have a relaxing kind of workout. Everyone in the class is pregnant, so all the positions take into account our distended bellies. There is stretching, and breathing, and strength exercises. My body felt so good afterwards and I didn't waddle nearly as much as I have been.

The only thing I didn't like was The Chair.

Let me backtrack. Everything in this yoga class was geared to prepare you for childbirth. The stretches increased the flexibility of your hips, back, and general well-being of your body, which will help labor. The breathing helps keep oxygen flowing to your core. The arm strength is good for holding yourself up, or using arms instead of stomach muscles in case of a caesarian. Leg strength pretty much explains itself. The one part of the class they used to prepare us for contractions: The Chair

Now, The Chair won't prepare you for the pain of contractions - apparently nothing will - but it helps you prepare for the length of contractions and it gets you to practice breathing through discomfort. What you do is put your back against the wall and slide down so you are in a seated position - as if sitting in a chair - but there is nothing under you. You hold this for 60 seconds - because apparently the average contraction is 60 seconds - breathing in for 4, out for 4, 6 or 8 - whatever you can handle. The key is to focus on your breathing and not on how much your legs burn or how uncomfortable it is.

I got one thing out of the chair: I am not possibly making it through labor without drugs.

But all in all, I would totally recommend pre-natal yoga for all my preggo friends. The stretches made my hips and calves feel so much better and I actually woke up this morning not exhausted.

Aah...it's a beautiful thing.

Posted by Terri at February 7, 2006 11:17 AM


There is a rumor that babies are contaigous......and you will still get attention......the baby has to sleep sometime and staring at them while they sleep gets boring....kidding....

Posted by: Vizma at February 8, 2006 08:57 AM

Couldn't find your email address so I was cast about on Google and landed here (time to upgrade security so bums like me won't wander in off the street).
Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS. You and Derwood must be thrilled. Lucky kid.
I'm in a show ("The Shadow Box at Dover Little Theater) and I was putting together an email list, hence my search. It's a really good show, very powerful but very heavy, death and dying and such. Probably not for Preggoes.
Congrats again, keep in touch and let me know when the blessed event takes place (well I guess after the event, you'll be a little busy during it.
Mr. Brownlow

Posted by: Tim Murphy at February 9, 2006 04:39 PM

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