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May 17, 2006

40 Weeks, 3 Days

Well, I had held out hope that the doctor would be able to interpret the ultrasound results better than I could. But no, he was very upset. (Quote: "I don't like this '15 oz' thing. What is that?") I don't know...you're the doctor... So in addition to another fun cervical exam, he had to push hard all over my belly to try and discern how big the baby is from the outside, but as he said, it is not an exact science. He thinks the baby's about 8 1/2 lbs, and even if it is the 9lbs 3oz that the ultrasound said was the max it could be, that's still deliverable vaginally. So no elective C-section. Yet.

Cervix is still closed. I called it my "cervix of steel" to the doctor, who could have at least humored an overdue pregnant woman by cracking a smile. I don't think he's any happier with my cervix than I am. I may have been a little pouty after that (more because my cervix is still closed than the fact he didn't get my humor), so he smiled all encouragingly at me when we heard the baby's heartbeat. Yeah. That makes it all better. You know, the fact that there's still a heartbeat in my stomach doesn't in the least way piss me off. Talk to me when I can hear the baby's heartbeat with a stethescope.

So we're looking like labor and delivery may still be an option. Great. Just when I psyched myself up that an elective C-section was totally the way to go. Now I guess I have to come up with my list of reasons why vaginal delivery is better than a C-section. I don't know... I realize it's surgery - but it's only one hour!

There's got to be a better way to do this whole birth thing.

Posted by Terri at May 17, 2006 02:21 PM


Hey good luck with all in the next few days we are waiting patiently!!

Posted by: Ari at May 17, 2006 03:56 PM

Awwww, sweetie, it can't be more than a few days. And whichever way it will be, you'll be fine & Shiny will be, too!

Posted by: Juno at May 17, 2006 04:22 PM

Don't worry - everything will be fine, no matter how the little alien comes out. Reason for Vag. Delivery - I was up walking aroudn that day. I know lots of c-section mommies - they are in bed for days. Also, c-section, can't hold baby immediately. They have to close you up first, and it is a o.r. so it is not warm like a delivery room and they take baby away to clean off etc.... donna didn't hold julian for 2 hours. : ( Reason to have c-section/not have vag. delivery - labor sucks. but you do not have pain when it is over. good news - you don't have to have a long labor on baby 1... mina came in 7 hours flat. sophia was induced and she came in 3 hours flat. yikes. my next will just fall out.

Posted by: Melissa at May 17, 2006 07:10 PM

Hang in there, Terri! My mantra back to you... No matter how your beautiful baby arrives, it will be so worth all you've endured!! I wouldn't trade those difficult moments for anything in the world because our little ones are our whole world. Reason for vaginal delivery- I was ready(!!) to go home both times long before they would let me. Reason for c-section "Epidural Guy" took his dinner break before coming to me. No one expects a first baby to be quick, but he made the "no drugs" decision instead of me.
Now that I've actually experienced the beauty of an epidural, I'm really considering one before my next trip to the dentist. Ahhhhh.... so much better :)Thinking about the three of you every moment...

Posted by: kristie at May 17, 2006 08:58 PM

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