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July 07, 2006

The Best Feeling In The World

Unfortunately, the best feeling in the world was caused by the worst feeling in the world. Let me back up.

The night before last, Dylan and I were doing our nightly feeding at about 3:30. It was your run of the mill nighttime feeding - big messy poop in the middle of it, spit up while Mommy was cleaning the poop - until the end, when Dylan did not fall back to sleep. No problem. I swaddled him up, sat back down and we began to rock.

About 5 minutes into rocking, I started to feel very hot. Not surprising, since my baby is a little furnace. So I turned on the air conditioner and continued to rock. After another 5 minutes I started to feel very sick. I ended up running up the stairs, putting Dylan in his pack and play and running back downstairs to throw up. I told Darren that I had thrown up and he, being the wonderful husband and father that he is, told me I was probably exhausted and he took over putting Dylan the rest of the way to sleep.

The next morning (yesterday) Darren had to wake me up because I slept through Dylan's fussing. I sat up to re-swaddle him (we always try that before feeding him because sometimes he's not hungry yet, he just worked himself out of his swaddle). I thought I was going to puke all over his pack and play. Long story short (or shorter, since I've already rambled) I ended up having to call my mom to come over because whenever I sat up I would get really nauseaus.

Back to the best feeling in the world.

My mom took care of Dylan for the whole morning until I was feeling a little better. I still felt queasy, but I missed my baby. :( So as she was changing him, I went in and stood by his head. He turned his little head towards me and when he saw me, his eyes brightened, he smiled, laughed and made happy baby coo noises and squirmed around kicking his feet and swinging his arms in obvious glee. I thought I was going to cry. He was just so excited to see Mommy, it was the most wonderful thing in the entire world. I can't even tell you. That made all the other crap that comes along with a newborn totally worth it. Of course, sleeping through the night would still be nice... but being woken up at 2-3 am is way more tolerable now.

Posted by Terri at July 7, 2006 08:58 AM


I hope you felt better soon. Dylan sounds like such a charmer! A week ago we went and had picnic with those our friends who had their little baby girl a week before you had Dylan. SO CUTE! I kept wondering what your little one looks like now...

Oh, and thank for the beautiful card, it arrived today, and both Udo and I are glad that you (and especially Dylan!) like the little gift we sent to you.

Take care!!!

Posted by: Juno at July 14, 2006 02:25 PM

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