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August 18, 2006

Random Because I'm Tired


I'm exhausted, so forgive me any dangling participles or other grammar or continuity/train of thought faux pas I may commit in this entry.

Dylan's first play date

Dylan has a playdate next week after StrollerFit on Thursday with a boy who will be three months on the 23rd and twin boys who were three months on the 16th. The twins were premies, so they are smaller than Dylan, but the boy who will be three months next week is a little peanut compared to my gigantor child. They are developmentally about the same, except the other boy doesn't swat at things yet. I told the mom that Dylan did it on accident the first time and now can do it on purpose. But all four babies are drooling and sucking on their hands and the other mom read that they can start teeting around now. Super fun. But it will be nice for the babies to play (or stare at each other) and for us moms to compare notes and chat. I do have to say, the twins just sat in their carriers while we talked today and the other boy just lay next to his Mom. Dylan. on the other hand, needed to be sitting on me or he would fuss. He was just so much more active. The other moms were like, well that's a good smart baby. And yes, it is. But he is also very demanding. I keep telling myself that in two weeks he will be giving the daycare people a run for their money instead of me and I can catch a break.

Ding dong. Hello Officer.

We got a new screen door - the kind that is all glass or screen - so now we can leave the front door open and just have the screen door closed. Brandy loves being able to see out. We also cleared out the mess of undergrowth next to the driveway up to our property line, planted new bushes and fixed the mailbox (now that the ground is not frozen and we can dig into it). And I put a mirror on my backseat - which the cops advised against - so I can see Dylan wen we're in the car. So yesterday at around 5:30 I was feeding Dylan and I heard Brandy bark (which she does now that she can see out the front door). The doorbell rang so I picked up Dylan and we went downstairs to see who was at the door. To both of our surprise - maybe mine more than Dylan's) there was a cop standing there. What went through my mind? Basically, what kind of trouble am I in? Did our neighbors complain that we cut too much of their ivy that was coming across onto our property? Did the cop see the mirror on my car and come to tell me to take it off? Is my car parked illegally? (It's amazing how the "I'm in trouble" mentality doesn't go away). So, already long story shorter, someone tried to break into the school down the street (right across from the police station) and he wanted to know if I had heard any weird noises the night before. I hadn't, and he apologized for bothering me. So much for being safe living down the street from Fort PoPo.

And speaking of Fort PoPo...

Dylan and I were walking back from StrollerFit today, through the police station parking lot like we always do, when a woman started walking towards us. She called out, "Excuse me," so I stopped. She asked, "Are you a resident of this town?" Now, I don't know about you, but that right off the bat seemed to me like a shady question. Why would you need to know if I'm a resident of this town? So hesitantly I answered, "Yes."

Her: "Can I ask you a question?"
Me: "You just did." Ha ha. No, I didn't really say that. I said, "Sure."
Her: *looking at Dylan* "Who's this?"
Me: "This is Dylan."
Her: (to Dylan) "Hi Dylan."
Dylan: *giggles*
Her: (to me) "What do you think of this municipal building/police station that they're building?
Me: "You mean 'Fort PoPo?'" Ha. Again, didn't say that. Although it would have been funny. I just kind of looked at her funny.
Her: "I'm a reporter."
Me: *thinking* "Oh hell no." *saying* "I don't know. We weren't around when they voted on it. I guess it will look nice when it's done."
Dylan: *Waaaaaaah*
Me: "He's hungry."
Her: "I'll let you go. I know how that is."

Yeah. Like I'm going to get myself quoted in the paper bitching about the police station. Because they don't know what my car looks like since I live down the block. Because I want to get pulled over and harassed.

Dylan starts Rice Cereal today

Yeah. Wish me luck with all of that.

Posted by Terri at August 18, 2006 10:53 AM


Good Dylan, only 3 months old and already knows reporters are bad.

Way to stand up to the man, sis.

Posted by: Uncle Mike at August 18, 2006 07:08 PM

And? How did the rice cereal work out? - And did you ever discover what the reporter was after? Is the police station so ugly or what? ;-)

Posted by: Juno at September 4, 2006 04:40 PM

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