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September 25, 2006

...And now Daddy's sick...

You know what's sad? Darren doesn't feel well, so I'm picking up the slack around here - no, that's not what's sad. What's sad is the fact that today I gave Dylan his bedtime bottle and then I had to wash bottles and get them ready for daycare tomorrow after Dylan ate, instead of while Darren feeds him. I just finished that and I'm like, "OMG, I'm so tired, it's so late."

It's 9:30.

I used to be getting ready at this time to go out and start partying. That's what's sad.

So yeah, Darren is sick now. All drippy down the back of his throat. It's just an endless party over here. At least Dylan and I are feeling better. If we were all sick together it would be rough. I mean, I'm not surprised Darren got sick after taking care of the two of us last week. It kind of was a hard bullet to dodge.

But Dylan and I are both feeling better. Thank you everyone for your well-wishes. It was rough, but we got through it. Dylan had a good day at daycare today. We got his school pictures back (they are so cute). And he apparently was talking a lot today. When I came in to pick him up, he was playing in the exersaucer, completely oblivous to the fact that I walked in even though he was right by the door.

We came home. We ate dinner - well, Dylan ate dinner; I had a granola bar - and we went to StrollerFit for the first time in two weeks. (Holy burn).

Hopefully Darren will start feeling better soon and we can put this lousy sick mess behind us... until next time...

Posted by Terri at September 25, 2006 09:34 PM


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