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October 05, 2006

Big Doings

Guess where I was this morning. Again.

Dylan's Sick

He was a little congested at his well-baby appointment last week, but nothing too bad. Over the weekend he started to cough, and it just kept getting worse and worse. Yesterday he started wheezing. We called the doctor, who gave us pediacare to give to him at night and in the morning. This morning he woke up and although he didn't have a fever, he was cranky and didn't eat much breakfast. The cough was even worse and he was wheezing pretty bad. He also tugged on his ear a few times. We called the doctor, and she could hear his wheezing over the phone. She said to come in at 9:00.

I brought him into the doctor and he got two treatments of a nebulizer, which is a big machine that you put medicine into and it mists the medicine into his face. The medicine is some kind of bronchial dilator or something. Anyway, after the two treatments his wheezing was better. We have our very own nebulizer machine to take home - can't wait to see how much of that the insurance makes us pay for - and we have to nebulize him ever four hours. Around the clock. He also has an ear infection. So we have new antibiotics. He has to go back to get re-checked next Monday. Luckily, Darren is off so he can take him to that appointment.

Oh, and they took his blood oxygen level (which I kept calling blood alcohol level because I must be a big lush or something). It ended up being like 91 or 92. If it was 90 or less, they would have had to admit him. Seriously? With the A-word? Can we please stop?

Mommy's Sick

Yes, still, although I'm feeling better than I was. I went to the doctor on Tuesday. He took another strep test and actually ordered a blood test to rule out Mono. Yes, that's right, I said Mono. Wouldn't that be super? I'll get those results tomorrow. He also changed my antibiotic. My throat is still swollen, but it doesn't hurt unless I yawn. Then it still hurts. Yeah, I don't get what yawning has to do with anything either.

Daddy's Sick

Yes, we're just one big happy sick family. Darren can't stop coughing. Expectorant? Didn't help. Cough suppresant? Didn't help. Z-pack antibiotic? Didn't help. It is the cough that Just. Won't. Go. Away.

We're a sorry bunch.

Posted by Terri at October 5, 2006 03:33 PM


OMG....I wish that I could make it all go away somehow and that you would all get better.....hang in there!!!!!

Posted by: Vizma at October 5, 2006 07:42 PM

Oh no, that's not fair. You deserve a break, to simply be happy with your family! *hugs* And thank you very much for that pretty card and that cute picture.

Get well soon, all of you!

Posted by: Juno at October 9, 2006 09:50 AM

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