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November 09, 2006

Here a POOP, There a POOP, Everywhere a POOP POOP

Warning: Contains graphic images and references to poop. (As if you haven't already figured that out).

Dylan had applesauce again last night. Now, the last time he had applesauce we had what is now being referred to as The CVS Incident. (I'll get into that later). So we waited a few days and tried it again last night.

This morning, Dylan had his morning poop. It was a little more liquidy, but not too bad. We fed him, dressed him, and brought him to daycare. We were showing off to the teacher how Dylan can sit now. So he's all sitting on the mat, banging away on some toy that looks like the love child of a piano and a train and he starts going, "Baah-uhhhh." It wasn't the "bottle" word, but something that sounded similar. He couldn't be hungry - he just ate. But the "Baah-uhhhhhh"s were getting louder and more distressed, so I leaned over to smell his butt. (Only a mom...) And there I saw what could only be poop seeping through the back of his overalls.

It was all over everything.

I went next door to his classroom to get his diapers and wipes and a change of clothes while the teacher put him on the changing table. What a mess! Four sets of gloves (for her), lots of screaming (by Dylan), and about a million wipes later, Dylan was clean and in new clothes. I guess applesauce is off the menu.

The CVS Incident

Last Friday, Dylan and I had to go to CVS to fill some prescriptions. There were no diapers in his diaper bag because we had just come from Grammy's house where the last diaper was used and I didn't bother to refill it before going out again because 1) he had just had a poop at Grammy's house (a big one) so I wasn't worried about that, 2) this poop (and the subsequent diaper change) was only an hour earlier, so he wouldn't be too wet and 3) how long could filling a prescription at CVS possibly take?

Ha. Stupid Mommy...

While the prescriptions were being filled, Dylan and I went over to the baby cold remedy aisle to find some more baby tylenol. Dylan started babbling. (Come to think of it, it sounded a lot like "baah-uhhhh." Maybe that's Baby for "poop.") I turned him around to look down the back of his diaper to see if he was dirty. I didn't have to look hard - it was all up his back...

So here we were, in the middle of CVS, with no diaper and poop everywhere. It couldn't wait til we got him home because he was wearing a shirt and pants (instead of a onesie or overalls) so it would get all over the car seat. I ended up having to buy a package of diapers (thank God we were in a place that sold diapers), getting the nice man behind the counter to open them for me and changing his diaper on the floor in the middle of CVS. Luckily we had been to the doctor that morning and I always bring a change of clothes to the doctor so he had pants in the bag. Otherwise he would have had to go out in just a diaper. All I could think of as the people walked by and looked at me funny was, "Oh my God, I've become one of those people that just changes their baby's diaper in the middle of a public place." But you do what you gotta.

Moral of the story: Don't ever leave home without diapers - no matter how quick a trip it is.

Posted by Terri at 08:35 AM | Comments (4)

November 08, 2006

The Cutest Thing Ever Ever Ever EVER!!

So I was feeding Dylan dinner last night. He was eating his rice cereal and his pears pretty well until the tail end. He had about two more spoons of rice cereal and maybe two or three of pears and he started to fuss. Not crying or anything, but just, "Eehhhh. Eehhhh." I started telling him, "Ok baby, couple more spoons then we'll go upstairs and have your bottle." (He gets a bottle after dinner).

As soon as he was done eating the last few spoons, he continued to fuss, but this time was fussing and going, "BAAH-bah! BAAH-bah!"


Darren screwed the nipple onto the bottle and Dylan starts reaching out his hands towards it all the while saying, "BAAH-bah! BAAH-bah!"

We walked upstairs and I sat down and gave him his bottle and he stopped. He was TALKING and I wish I had a recording of it because it was absolutely the cutest thing ever ever ever in the entire world.

Oh I could just eat him up.

Posted by Terri at 08:26 AM | Comments (2)

November 07, 2006

...you got to do what they told ya

Yeah, so Darren got that song in my head. Blah. Not Mommy-appropriate at all.

Dylan had an ok night last night. He started making noise around 3:30, but put himself back to sleep. He woke up at 5:15 and started babbling but we didn't pick him up and then by 6:00 he was sleeping again. But, it was time to get up, so we got his little butt out of bed.

He was acting a little funny, so I stuck my finger in his mouth to feel his gums and sure enough, there's another little bitty tooth sticking out next to the first one. It's just through, but there are now two teeth in my baby's mouth. (I'd take a picture, but he's very reluctant to show anyone his teeth).

I was setting up my screen saver yesterday (all Dylan, all the time) with a slideshow of pictures and I came across the picture of his first doctor appointment. OMG he was so little!!!! So I leave you with a reminder of how much he's grown:

Posted by Terri at 09:08 AM | Comments (0)

November 06, 2006

Back to the Baby

Since this site is called "Baby Shetler" and nobody's really interested in my medical problems anyway - and since I'm sick of talking about them - we will revert back to talking about Dylan. All Dylan, all the time.

Dylan sat yesterday. All by himself:

He'll be 6 months in 12 days. I totally can't believe it's been that long. The summer seemed to go so slowly, but as soon as I was back to work, it flew by.

But all is not wonderful in the world of baby. I think Dylan's teeth are bothering him. He's been up and down the past few nights. We've been using tylenol to try to help. He's chewing on everything and drooling a lot and his cheeks are rosy (which apparently means teething).

Oh well. Better teething than wheezing, right?

Posted by Terri at 08:27 AM | Comments (2)

November 01, 2006

Exhaustion. No, Seriously.

I learned something today. When you go down to the nurse's office to take a nap and you set the egg timer for 1/2 hour and sleep right through it for another hour, the nurse takes this pretty seriously. Apparently, also, when you wake up in the morning throwing up from exhaustion (and you're not pregnant) it is Very Bad. The nurse and I had a long talk about exhaustion and sleep deprivation and why it is not good for my body.

So yes, I woke up and threw up again today. Luckily the drugs the doctor gave me continue to save my butt so I can drag it into work. Yesterday I did not throw up, but that's because I felt a little iffy and made a preemptive strike on the nausea. Did I overdo it yesterday? Perhaps, but Dylan was just so cute I had to show him off to everyone.

We went to his Grandma's work, where everyone loved him. We went to my work, where everyone loved him. We went to his Grammy's house, where Grammy loved him. And we went to see his Aunt, Uncle and cousins, who all loved him. We got great pictures. (There's an adorable one of him and his Grammy looking at each other).

I'm not sure how we're going to get past this. I mean, if I'm to the point of exhaustion that I'm throwing up, I need to just sleep and sleep and sleep and that's just not going to happen. The worst part is I should have been ok today. I went to sleep around 8 last night. Woke up at 10 when Darren fed Dylan and went back to sleep. Dylan woke up at 3:30, and I should have been able to go back to sleep, but I was awake for the rest of the night - I just couldn't fall back to sleep. I don't know why. Had I fallen back to sleep, I probably would have been ok today, I would think.

Any suggestions? Any advice on what to do? Any recommendations for a good Endocrinologist?

Posted by Terri at 03:04 PM | Comments (1)