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February 15, 2007

Fo Shizzle

Yeah, it's been a while...

Well, Dylan had the Rotovirus; we ended up in the hospital for an IV; he got pinkeye; Igot pinkeye... A wonderful time was had by all.

Dylan started eating chicken. He did not so much like chicken at first, but I think it's growing on him. He's eating the jars of baby chicken. I gave him real ground beef (ground way up) and he really really didn't like that.

We go for our 9 month checkup the end of this month, and then back to the ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) Doctor, and probably talk about tubes. Gasp!

He's still such an amazing little kid. He's so happy and giggly. He has the greatest laugh. You can't not laugh when you hear it. And everyone that says hi to him, he smiles at. We make so many friends at the supermarket. (The girls in the toddler set go crazy for him).

A woman at the supermarket asked me if he was named after, "You know who..." I thought of Luke Perry, and said, "No!" She said, "Oh, no musical reference here..." Yeah. She was a little old to have watched 90210.

I'm so rambling right now because there are like a million things going on at work, at home, everywhere. It's crazy. It's nuts. But Dylan is just the cutest, snugglyest munchkin ever. He rules. Seriously.

Posted by Terri at February 15, 2007 03:23 PM


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