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May 05, 2009

21 Weeks, 1 Day?

Possibly incorrect, because my due date is anywhere from the 14-21. I have no clue. But that is not the worst of it.

Went for my "routine" 20 week ultrasound today. And by "routine" I mean, "ha ha ha ha - yeah right." We're having a boy. And we'll know for sure this time because I had an amnio also, but I'll get to that.

During the ultrasound, they detected an "abnormality" by the baby's neck. An abnormality that is roughly the size of the baby's whole head, if not bigger. The doctor (who is now acting as my doctor since my doctor is undergoing chemo and the new doctor doesn't know me from adam) says she thinks it is a Cervical Teratoma, which ends in -oma and sounds like cancer to me, but she says a lot of times they are benign.

Of course, I brought Dylan with me to the ultrasound so he could see the baby. Perfect.

So I called Darren, who was at work, and he came to the hospital and brought Dylan to school. I got an amnio, which was not as bad as I thought, but didn't feel like a blood test like they told me it would. It felt more like the spinal I had for my c-section, except in the belly instead of the spine. It was more upsetting and scary than painful. Then we had a 3D ultrasound and got to see the baby's face, which would have been cool had it not been for the circumstances.

And now we're waiting. I won't be delivering at the hospital where I had Dylan - so it is kind of a moot point that my doctor isn't able to deliver this baby. I have to have a c-section, like it or not (which is fine with me). We're waiting to hear from Morristown to schedule a baby EKG, because when they detect this kind of abnormality, they want to check the heart as well. Then the doctor is calling around to find out who does baby MRIs because we have to do that to determine what exactly this thing is and where exactly it is growing.

According to what I'm reading on the internet, "An uncommon tumor. More than 150 cases have been reported." One fifty?? Perfect. Why couldn't it be like, 5000 or something big where they take care of this a lot?

Anyway, that's that. I'm sure there will be more to come. I'm still waiting to wake up and find out this too is a dream, like the one where I had pre-eclampsia. I would so trade for that right now.

EDIT: "I don't want some stranger cutting me open in September." ... HA HA HA HA HA HA! Oh, that's funny now.

Posted by Terri at May 5, 2009 12:50 PM


I can't imagine how you must be feeling. It sounds like you and the little guy are getting great care, though. Let us know if you need anything. You're in our thoughts.

Posted by: Amber at May 5, 2009 08:06 PM

As I said in my email - if there is anything at all that I can do to help, I am here for you - even if all I can do to help is listen. Big hugs and then some!!!

Posted by: Dizzy Vizzy at May 6, 2009 10:54 AM

God, Terri, I'm so sorry to hear that. *hugs*

I know it's not a lot of comfort right now, but at least they discovered that something is wrong and are doing everything possible to take care of your baby and of you.


If you need to talk, you know how to find me.

You're in my thoughts.

Posted by: Juno at May 8, 2009 06:19 AM

I know where you are all too well. :-(

If there's anything Jay or I can do, please let us know. I DM'ed Darren my phone # if you want to talk. We'll be thinking of you guys today.

Posted by: Erika at May 8, 2009 06:46 AM


Was just surfing by and am praying for you all. HUGS!


Posted by: Jennifer at May 9, 2009 10:03 PM

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