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November 23, 2005

15 Weeks, 3 Days

It's really weird, amazing, unreal, etc when the doctor puts a microphone on your belly and you hear a heartbeat that you know is not yours. I was so overwhelmed at my first check up that I started crying. The doctor (of course) laughed and said he was glad he could make me cry for a good reason.

So last night at my checkup, what were the first words out of my mouth when the doctor walked into the room?

"Do I get to hear the heartbeat again?" *big excited hopeful smile*

Of course I got to hear the heartbeat again! Yay! Because, according to my doctor, it is "all about [me] and making [me] happy." Pretty cool, since I was operating under the assumption that it was all about the baby. I actully think he was going to listen for the heartbeat whether or not I bounced up and down and clapped like an excited little kid.

So the heartbeat was a little slower this time, and much louder and easier to find. He seemed pleased and said we're doing great. I so need one of those little heartbeat listener thingies. Of course, then nothing would ever get done around the house because all I'd do all day is lie there with the microphone on my belly going, "But Darren, LISTEN... No, I know I've been here for hours but LISTEN!" The only downside is when I can't find the heartbeat because I haven't got a clue what I'm doing and then panic would set in and I'd be running around like a crazy woman yelling, "But Darren, I can't hear the heartbeat! OMG! Where did our baby go!?!?" Like there is really anywhere for the baby to go. There's only so much stomach that s/he can hide in.

And then more good news at the doctor! I get off work 4 weeks prior to my due date. Which means... *drumroll* Four and a half months off from work! Wooooo! (Yes, I realize it's not going to be a vacation, but I don't have to be at work for 4 1/2 months, so I'm still happy). Boss was not so much happy this morning, since he was thinking more along the lines of two. Oh well. Who am I to argue with a doctor? Especially one who is getting me off work in April.

That's all for now. Next week is my 16-week "quad screen" blood test, which tests for Down Syndrome and some other genetic thing. I asked and made sure it was a blood test and not an amnio. Because I am so not all about the amnio.

Oh, and last thing. Check out where I'm giving birth. Awesome. Sweat my private room and DVD player.

Posted by Terri at November 23, 2005 11:32 AM


Terri, I am so happy for you. And I LOVE the digs - I heard that the new center at St. Claires is unbelievable!

BTW, the to-do list on the side of the page is great... sounds like you are very organized!

Posted by: Amber at November 23, 2005 09:57 PM

Sounds like an awesome experience. I'm very happy and excited for you Terri...

Posted by: T at November 27, 2005 10:46 AM

Yeah baby heartbeat! I could see you dancing around the house listening to it! :-)

Posted by: Vizma at November 29, 2005 09:55 AM

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