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December 05, 2005

17 Weeks, 1 Day

Got the quad screen. They only had to take two medium-sized test tubes of blood instead of four large test tubes and two small test tubes like they had to last time. And my stupid tourniquet didn't come off this time either.

Oh right, I didn't tell that story here. Before I do, let me give you some background info:

-I'm not afraid of needles. I have no problem with needles. In fact, I watch them stick the needles in my arm and I'm fine. Whenever they put liquid into me, I have no problem.

-I have never been able to give blood. They try to take it from me, and I only get a little way into the bag and I start to pass out. Of course, they tell me to relax, that I'm getting worked up. Of course I'm getting worked up. I see the black creeping from the sides of my eyes. They say "don't look at the blood coming out of your arm." I could care less about the blood coming out of my arm. It's not psycosomatic. Refer to the last bullet point. I don't know what it is, if it's blood sugar or red blood cell count or what, but I get lightheaded and then I pass out when blood is taken from me.

So, last blood test, I'm sitting there, and she ties the tourniquet thing around my arm and stick me with the needle. No problem. The first test tube fills up and she sticks on the second one. I start to feel something funny with the tourniquet, like it is moving. I look down at it, and it looks like it is coming undone.

Me: I think there is something wrong with the tourniquet.
Her: There is nothing wrong with the tourniquet.
Me: No, really, it feels like it is moving on my arm.
Her: You need to relax. Everything is fine.
Me: No, I think it's coming undone.

So what do you know; the tourniquet pops off. The blood stops flowing into the test tube.

Her: The blood stopped flowing.
Me: That's because the tourniquet is off.
Her: No it's...*looks at tourniquet* Oh.

So, I got the second test tube half filled up and they had to discard it. She tapped into my other arm to fill the rest of them, but now in addition to all the blood they had to take, I had to give extra because she wouldn't listen to me.

I was queasy and lightheaded for hours afterwards.

Thankfully, this time there were no incidents. She took the blood and I went on my merry way. I just got it taken Friday, so I think it is too soon to call the office for my results. I just really hope it comes back normal because I don't like the idea of an amnio.

In other news, we moved into the new house. We're sleeping in the baby's room since our room is getting redone.

The baby is kicking a little. I feel little pushes. S/he was going crazy Thursday when we closed because I was all riled up, so I think s/he got all riled up and beat the crap out of the inside of my uterus. But it's kinda cool being able to feel the kicks. It makes me happy. For now. Until s/he can reach my hip or bladder or something.

Posted by Terri at December 5, 2005 11:00 AM


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