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January 23, 2006

24 Weeks, 1 Day

It was an uber busy weekend.

We went back to register some more. Found a car seat, travel system, play yard and high chair we liked. Thought we were done. Of course, then I checked on amazon.com and the reviews for the high chair were awful so we took it off the registry. Talked to a girl at work who had a baby last may to see what high chair she has. She's very happy with it. She's going to let me know. The funny thing is, the one we were going to register for is vinyl and we didn't register for it because of that. Hers is vinyl and she says it's so much better because it gets sooooo dirty. *sigh* She also said to register for a booster seat and umbrella stroller now, even though we don't need them yet, because that's one less thing to buy later. I guess we're not done. One more trip should do it (hopefully).

My mom is awesome. She came over on Saturday to give me a copy of consumer reports and told us she's buying the baby furniture for us. I mean, she's awesome even if she weren't buying us stuff, but she is just so good to us (and the baby).

We signed up for childbirth classes. We have our 6-week lamaze class, a breastfeeding class, a new baby class (to teach us how to bathe, change and hold the baby), a healthy beginnings class and I'm going with my mom to a grandparent class. The classes start in February. I think in February it's going to seem like we're on a speed track to May. (Thank goodness).

I finally filled out/sent in my hospital preregistration packet. The bad news is that I still have to go through outpatient registration when I arrive, in labor. I can't imagine sitting there, waiting for them to call my name, screaming in agony. Should be fun.

Carpet is in the bedroom. We'll move our furniture up next weekend and then we can start painting the nursery. YAAAAAAAAY!

The baby likes to kick me. I can start to see my belly ripple when I get an especially hard kick. It's weird and exciting all at the same time. It's kind of fun to know I have a little person inside me and I think I may miss that part of the whole thing. I won't miss the bladder kicks, sore hips, ruddy skin, swollen hands and ankles, zits, breathlessness, exhaustion or mood swings. I know Darren won't miss the mood swings either.

Oh, and for future reference for anyone... if you have the choice to wait a week or go to the hospital for your ultrasound, wait a week. The hospital charges you an arm and a leg and health insurance people are a bunch of buttheads.

That's all for now.

Posted by Terri at January 23, 2006 11:15 AM


Hooray for furniture.

Hope the house is coming a long great.

Posted by: Ari at January 23, 2006 07:52 PM

It's mean that they play on your "safety" factor...geez....they didn't have all this when we were younger (lead paint is yummy) and we all turned out OK! (I know, I left that wide open for a comment....please refrain...)

Posted by: Vizma at January 25, 2006 10:00 AM

Wow. So many classes. That sounds like a lot of work! How did moms in earlier ages manage? Without all those classes and things?

*missing you*


Posted by: Juno at January 26, 2006 11:41 AM

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