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February 16, 2006

27 Weeks, 4 Days

I am having a love affair.

Now, don't go run and tell Darren, because he already knows. In fact, he just kind of smiles and shakes his head at the whole thing. This is because my love affair is with Coke. Yes, the soft drink. I can't get enough of it. I am delirious with happiness everytime its sweet deliciousness kisses my lips.

Mmmm...Coke! Sweet bubbly cola goodness!

When I am not with Coke, I am sad; incomplete. I get very excited when I see my Coke, and can't wait to dive in and drink it all up.


Anyway, I went to the doctor yesterday. He is very happy with the baby. He is not very happy with the 6 pounds I gained since the last time I saw him. I encouraged him by telling him the next time I see him I won't have gained six pounds and he had to burst my bubble by telling me that's good since it will only be in two weeks now.

Yes, I have progressed to going to the doctor every two weeks, which is not all bad. I get to hear the heartbeat now every two weeks. Wheee!

Speaking of which, I got my belly spread with goo yesterday and he pressed the doppler thing into me. He found the heartbeat, flubbing away as usual. Not two seconds in, the octopus inside me gave a mighty kick. Not only did I feel and see this one, but it registered a mighty THUD on the doppler. The doctor smiled and laughed and said, "If that's not a good sign, I don't know what is."

I laughed and answered, "Well, then it's really good, because it never stops."

He replied, "Good. That's what I like to hear."

Yes, doc, because you're not the one with an octopus residing in your belly. (Not said)

Nothing else interesting happened, other than managing to make it on time for my glucose screen. I did drink the glucola - which was surprisingly delicious - 8 minutes late. But I did manage to remember my prescription and get to the doctor at 3:25, with 12 minutes to spare, since I was 8 minutes late drinking the glucola. I should have the results - and know if I'm diabetic - next time I go to the doctor in two weeks.

For the record, glucola is not as delicious as my sweet Coke.

Posted by Terri at February 16, 2006 02:07 PM



Hmm, hope we are talking about coca cola instead of the baking soda.!! Iknow that is what youa re talking about just busting.

Posted by: Ari at February 23, 2006 07:58 PM

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