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March 01, 2006

29 Weeks, 3 Days

Random Updates

Got the results from the glucose screen back. My glucose is perfect. (Yay) It has to be under 120 I think and mine was like 85. I asked about hypoglycemia and the nurse said it had to be much lower than that to be hypoglycemic. So yay. But the test also showed that I'm anemic. The good range is 12-16 and I'm 11.1. So I'm supposed to eat more red meat and green leafy vegetables.

The doctor was Not Happy with my weight, since, true to my word, I did not gain 6lbs in 2 weeks; I gained 9. Now, how it is physically possible for a person to gain 9lbs in 2 weeks is beyond my comprehension. I personally think a lot of it is water weight, since my ankles, hands, feet, arms, face, thighs and calves are all swollen. So in addition to eating more red and green (meat and veggies), I need to eat less salt and drink more water.

I'm over Coke. We had an ugly breakup. I blamed Coke for some of my weight gain. It wasn't pretty.

Heard the heartbeat again. Got kicked in the doppler again. It's losing some of its excitements since using the doppler to hear the heartbeat means the baby is still in my belly and this ordeal isn't over with yet.

Started childbirth classes at the hospital yesterday. This was the "early preganancy class." I was the furthest along by at least a month. (There was one girl in the class due in September). So I knew most of the stuff about nutrition and I had experienced most of the discomforts they warned about, but it was a nice refresher. I'm more interested in the next set of 5 weeks, since that will be dealing more with labor, which I'm most interested in/concerned with now.

Speaking of which, I heard about this thing called hypnobirth. The jury is still out on if this is worthwhile or way too "New Age" for me. I know hypnosis works, but I also know that if I'm the least bit skeptical about it, it won't work for me. If anybody has had hypnobirth or knows anybody who has, let me know so I can ask them lots of questions to see if it is worth my time to try it. I'm sure it works for some people, I just have to figure out if it will work for me.

Decided not to do a birth plan. I'm thinking about doing a list of "birth preferences" instead, which are more flexible than a signed birth plan. As in "During my labor/delivery, I would like to be able to listen to music." (etc). This will probably also help Darren in being my advocate if I am in too much pain to stick up for my own preferences.

I dream about labor every night. Every. Night. And can you blame me? There are only 74 days left!

That's all I can think of for now. More updates when my brain is less tired.

Posted by Terri at March 1, 2006 10:25 AM


You are a fangy bunny!! Who else eats red meat and green leafy vegetables?

I still think that you are doing great with being healthy and not gaining a crazy amount of weight - you look really good! (just tired)

74 more days!! :-))))

Posted by: Vizma at March 2, 2006 11:08 AM

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