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March 16, 2006

31 Weeks, 4 Days

I love coffee. Love love love love love love LOVE coffee.

That has nothing to do with the baby, but I'm drinking coffee and needed to share. (Decaf, of course).

Anyway, I went to the doctor again last night. I only gained 2 lbs! Woo Hoo! The doctor was happier with that, but he wants me to not gain anything or even lose weight by next time, because that would be losing water weight. He doesn't want me to change what I'm eating except have even less salt and more water.

You would not believe the amount of sodium in condiments:

Heinz Ketchup: 190mg per TBSP
Guldens Spicy Brown Mustard: 150mg per TBSP
French's Yellow Mustard: 165mg per TBSP
A1 Steak Sauce: 250mg per TBSP
Jack Daniels BBQ Sauce: 130mg per TBSP
Kraft BBQ Sauce: 230mg per TBSP

And this was the last of the nice doctor visits. From now on I have to take my clothes off. The very nice nurse was kind enough to warn me about it before hand so I not only can be properly prepared, but I also have two weeks to work up my propery tizzy about a pelvic exam. Yeah, I'm going to be fun in labor.

I'm feeling better than I did before. I think it's all the baby spinach salad and red meat I've been eating. Trying to keep that iron up. Or maybe it's the coffee. Yay coffee!

The second childbirth class was better than the first. The first one we learned about the first two stages of labor (knew about them already), we wrote down what we were worried about various things involved in labor (epidural, c-section, etc) and then we practiced breathing, which I do in yoga every week. (Darren was so helpful. He stared at me the same time and made me giggle through my "deep cleansing breath.")

This past Tuesday we got a lecture from a cop (who was very nervous, I thought, for a cop) about car seats. It was good because I learned that the cops in my town are certified carseat putter-inners. I also learned that although the nice police officer could not endorse any particular carseat, that he personally used a Greco travel system (which we're registered for) and a Britax car seat (which someone bought us off our registry). So that made me happy. He also told us that the travel systems were perfectly safe (which I was a little worried about).

We learned more about labor, the third (or cranky) phase and delivery. Part of me says it doesn't seem so bad. The other 99% of me says, "What are you frigging crazy? This baby is staying IN MY BELLY!!!"

We then got to tour the hospital maternity wing. It's nice, for the most part. I don't like the labor / delivery / recovery room. I felt dizzy when I was in there. (I didn't say anything to Darren, so when he's reading this he's going to be quite surprised.) The bed is small and the room just reeks of pain. I also felt very claustrophobic in there, but it could be because there were about 20 of us in there. The postpartum room
wasn't bad - I can't say it looked like a hotel room, even though they hid the medical stuff behind a picture on the wall - it still felt like a hospital room. At least it was private and the baby gets to stay with me as much or as little as I want. Oh, and there's a TV and DVD so I can watch my movies while I fall asleep.

That's what the labor / delivery / recovery room was missing - a TV! But we are allowed to bring a radio. You know Darren is going to be lugging a huge suitcase with all my crap into the hospital.

And here I would just like to put in a little plug that my husband is awesome. If you visit him at his website ever, tell him how awesome he is, because he has put up with me through all this and he's going to have to take all the mental, emotional and possibly physical abuse from me during labor because, as I said before, I'm not going to be a picnic during that. He cooks dinner when I am too tired to. He handled all the moving and house stuff because I was tired. He has done about 99% of the work on the house (which has been a lot) because I can't. He goes out of his way to try and make things easier on me, even though his workday is at least 2 hours longer than mine. He keeps encouraging me, and has heard me go on about how fat I am, how tired I am, how fat I am, how much the baby kicks, that the baby is not kicking and I'm worried, how fat I am, how my shoes don't fit, how fat I am, how tired I am, how obnoxious people are and how fat I am about a million times and has yet to tell me to shut up.

So tell him he's awesome.

Posted by Terri at March 16, 2006 02:36 PM


31 weeks - wow, time is flying so fast!

I am happy to hear that Darren is being so awesome and supportive throughout the pregnancy -he's a great husband. Seriously, you should consider renting him out to other pregnant women (once you have the baby, of course!).

Posted by: Amber at March 18, 2006 08:29 PM

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