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March 23, 2006

32 Weeks, 4 Days

I just got felt up in the bathroom. One of my coworkers comes up behind me and starts running her hand (around me) up and down my belly. So I turn around and ask what she's doing. She says she's feeling the baby. So I said, no you're feeling my stomach. She's not even a coworker I'm especially close to. Which lead to a discussion with our Staff Assistant (who is also pregnant) as to why people feel the need to cop a feel of pregnant women. The Staff Assistant is not even really showing yet, and people are going up to her and poking her stomach.


Anyway, according to the baby ticker:

I’m nearly 17.2 inches tall & weigh a little over 4 lbs. My skin is less wrinkled looking.
No wonder my belly is so heavy.

Yeah, the belly is heavy, so I went yesterday with my good friend Vizma to buy a belly band. Belly bands are the best invention EVER. It's a heavy-duty elastic contraption that goes under my belly and around my back and supports the belly so my muscles don't get all stretched out of wack. It's like a bra for your belly.

I also got talked into buying these expensive (and SOOOOO comfortable) nursing bras. (Darren did say to spend whatever I needed to spend to be comfortable). Let me tell you, they are worth every penny. I am wearing one today, since they are nursing/maternity bras, and they are just so wonderful and supportive and comfortable. They're ugly as sin, but I've given up on fashion about 3 weeks ago - around the time I had to jump up and down to get my shoes to fit on my big fat feet.

Oh, and I decided - I'm not having this baby. It's just going to stay in me forever. Labor just isn't my thing so I'm not going to do it. I'll cross my legs or something. (All the childbirth classes have been good for is meeting nervous cops and having the bejezus scared out of me.)

That's all for now. Sixteen days left of work. Woo hoo!

Posted by Terri at March 23, 2006 01:39 PM


Oh my goodness you were molestered!!! Eww!!!

And I swear, the choir of angels sang when you found the belly band! :-)

Posted by: Vizma at March 27, 2006 12:03 PM

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