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March 30, 2006

33 Weeks, 4 Days - A Little Later

I'm an idiot. I am an ungrateful idiot.

I completely forgot that I didn't write about my shower that was this past weekend. It was awesome. My friends and family were there, and it was nice to see extended family on a happy occasion. Well, most of them, except some crazy ones that were "right where God wants them to be."

Long story. Don't ask.

So anyway, the whole thing was great. The food was great, the place was great, the people were great, and the baby got tons of great stuff off the registry. If you don't believe me, go check out the registry. It is quite sparse. We have to buy the swing and the bjorn and that's it out of everything. Pretty amazing.

It wasn't even the gifts that made me so happy. It was just everyone being there together. And I'm not just saying that so I don't sound like a materialistic jerk. It really made me happy to be able to see these people under nice circumstances and share my happiness (and Darren's, for the brief time he was there) with close friends and family.

The day was, however, exhausting and overwhelming. I wanted to take a nap, but since there were people there I hadn't seen in forever, I wanted to visit with them even more. If I remember correctly, I was pretty much worthless the next day. It probably didn't help that we stayed up late opening packages and trying to put some order back to the baby's room - the dumping ground for all the presents that came into the house. It was a difficult task without furniture, but it's pretty good right now. Once the furniture comes in we can do wash and put all the clothes away and I can wash the toys and put them away too.

Our house actually looks like we're going to have a baby now. There are baby things everywhere you go. It's nice. It makes me happy.

Posted by Terri at March 30, 2006 12:20 PM


Why doth thy relatives thinketh they know where I want them to be?

Posted by: I AM WHO AM at March 30, 2006 02:21 PM

It was great for us too! A great day and an enjoyable time getting ready for the day...
Our family is blessed to have you as a part of it, Terri.
:) Kristie

Posted by: k web at March 31, 2006 05:11 PM

It was a fun day - you could feel the joy that everyone was sharing with you and Darren - plus, we got to visit the Dairy later!!!

Posted by: One of the Future "Crazy" Aunts at April 3, 2006 01:48 PM

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