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March 30, 2006

33 Weeks, 4 Days

Today's ticker:

I'm about 4.75 lbs & almost 18 inches tall; My central nervous system is still maturing.
So I'm at least guaranteed to lose 5 lbs when I deliver this kid.

The doctor was Not Happy again with me. First he didn't like my weight gain. Then he didn't like my blood pressure (which was elevated because it was taken 2 minutes before I had to take my clothes off for the strep test). Then he didn't liky my belly band. So it was a peachy keen visit.

Darren came with me to hear the heartbeat. He stayed in the room for the strep test because he is a trooper.

I finished submitting all my forms to work that can be submitted before the baby is born. I'm just waiting to hear if my claim is approved. (I hope that's just a technicality).

I think I'm dropping. I don't want to drop yet. This baby can NOT come early because I will lose paid time off. On time is fine. Late is fine. Just not early. DO YOU HEAR ME BABY? STAY PUT FOR 6 MORE WEEKS!

Now would be a good time to start listening to your mother, baby...

Only 11 more days of work, and at least one of them is working from home.

Childbirth classes are over. This is a good thing, because they almost had me convinced that I was not going to have this baby. One more class and I would have completely decided to just keep it in me forever.

This is probably a rambling post, but since I don't sleep much, my brain doesn't work so well anymore. It's a wonder I can even make semi-coherent sentences.

I'm tired.

I'm hungry. I'm not allowed to eat any carbs. So I'm hungry.

I don't think the baby has a whole lot of room left in there. There are less and less kicks and more and more alien-type movements where my belly looks like a bowl of jello. A bowl of jello that is somehow moving of it's own accord.

I'm not even sure if the words I'm using make sense. That's how tired I am.

I think I dropped a little. Wait. Did I say that already? Yes. Oops. Sorry.

Obviously I have nothing else to say. What an extremely interesting post!

Posted by Terri at March 30, 2006 11:56 AM


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