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April 11, 2006

35 Weeks, 2 Days

Today's ticker:

I’m a little less than 19 inches tall & all my organ systems are complete & being finalized.
No wonder it feels like there's an entire army in my stomach.

So today I'm miserable. I'm tired because I can't sleep. I wake up every night with cramps and then can't sleep. And now I either have a cold or allergies, which led to me not sleeping last night. And all the cold goo is dripping into my already-much-harassed stomach, making it hurt. So I'm crabby today, even more so than usual.

We picked a religion over the weekend and only have to wait until after Easter to set up the baptism. Thank goodness that headache is over.

They threw a shower for me at work last Thursday. I meant to write about it, but, well, I'm tired and I forgot. It was so nice (and mostly a surprise, even if I was a little suspicious). I got a bunch of baby stuff, and clothes - including a baby tshirt with my company's logo on the front (so cute!) - and the people I scrapbook with got me a scrapbook with the pages all done except for pictures, so all I have to do is put the pictures in, since I probably won't have time to do much else. And one of the woman knit the baby a blanket. It was so nice. I work with great people. And there was cake and Darren was all excited because his name was on a cake at my company. (The cake said "Congratulations, Terri and Darren"). He was excited because my company is awesome.

I have another doctor appointment tonight. He's probably not going to be happy. I could give two craps right about now, seriously. So I'm fat. So what? I'll diet once this crazy-legged baby is out of my belly. I mean, I eat like crap, I gain weight; I eat healthy, I gain weight. So whatever, I'm not going to lose weight without exercise, and there are like 10 laws of physics working against me here.

I would be so much happier right now if my throat didn't hurt and my nose wasn't stuffy and my head wasn't pounding. Or if I could take Aleve cold & sinus.

Posted by Terri at April 11, 2006 08:24 AM


Feel better terri!! You'll make a great mommy when little terri is out and about. And, only two more days left of work!

Posted by: Anthony at April 12, 2006 11:25 PM

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