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April 14, 2006

35 Weeks, 5 Days

One month from today. I only have one month left.

AND today is my last day of work. At the time I am writing this, I have exactly 53 minutes left of work.

Halle-fricking-lujah! *insert choir of angels*

So, the doctor was quite happy with me, since I gained 0 lbs since my last check up. He thinks he's a commedian though, since when he read my chart he stuck his head out the door and called to the nurse to ask her if the scale was working properly today. (Ha ha, doc. Very funny. Let's bust on the fat pregnant lady.)

And now I'm sick. Blah. I had a fever on Wednesday, and today all the sinuses on the right side of my face are going to explode and I can't hear out of my right ear. I mean come ON! This is just adding insult to injury. Like I wasn't having enough trouble just dealing with pregnancy symptoms - now I'm stupid AND deaf. And can someone explain what is the deal with peeing when you cough? I swear. My whole body is revolting against me. There is not a single part of my body that is behaving, except possibly my hair. And the only reason it is behaving is because it knows that it is >this close< to being shaved off.

Let's checklist, shall we?
Feet: Swollen
Calves: Swollen
Knees: Stiff & painful
Thighs: Way fat
Butt: Huge
Belly: Distended and crampy
Belly Button: Pseudo-outtie
Boobs: Ok, actually they're pretty nice...
Chest: Congested, coughing, painful
Ear: Stuffy
Nose: Runny and red
Eyes: Itchy
Head: Pounding
Face: Ready to explode
Teeth: (Yes, even my teeth) Throbbing...

Don't you wish you were me?

Posted by Terri at April 14, 2006 01:06 PM


Congrats on your last day of work/first day of maternity leave! Enjoy every second and sleep as much as you can now. Just think, next Easter, you'll be chasing your little one around, and won't remember what life was like without her!

PS-Even the teeth hurt...I remember that too...most of it goes away pretty quickly though.

Posted by: momofdom at April 16, 2006 10:45 AM

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