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April 20, 2006

36 Weeks, 4 Days

Today's Ticker:

I'm around 19 inches tall, weigh at least 6 lbs & gain more than a half an ounce each day!
No wonder my stomach is so gargantuan.

So, Terri is happy. Maternity leave... sleeping til 10... driving around with the top down... pedicures... does life get any better than this? I say that it does NOT!

Sure, I'm still congested. Sure, my feet only fit in flip-flops. Sure, I haven't seen my toes in months (so I'm taking her word that the pedicure looks good). But to not have to work, it is a beautiful thing!

And then, to top it all off - the cherry on top of my maternity leave sundae - I lost a pound this week. The doctor was tre happy with me. I didn't even take off my flip-flops to get weighed. I was standing on the scale and the nurse said, "You're down a pound," just as the doctor walked past. I turned to him and said, "Did you hear that? I'm down a pound." So he smiled and said, "Yes, that's good!" And then he was singing when he came in to examine me. Happy doctor = happy Terri.

Of course, he's going on vacation next week, the punk. If I go into labor I'm going to be VERY unhappy.

According to him, the baby has turned. (According to me, my baby is "upside-down"). The baby is still kicking away. It's probably cramped as all hell in there.

So, that's about it. It's amazing what not having to work will do to your mood and outlook about things. I'm so much happier than I was a week ago. I could totally go late and be ok with it.

Posted by Terri at April 20, 2006 11:25 AM


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