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April 28, 2006

37 Weeks, 5 Days

The words "day care" are mocking me from my Baby To-Do list.

We had a close scrape with day-care disaster (even worse than not having a day-care person) but the crisis was averted. Family has been wonderful helping out trying to find us someone to watch the baby. I mean, I only need 3 days a week to start. It would kill me to put the baby in one of those institutional places that, first of all, may have too many kids in there and the kids are left alone a lot and second, charges you full time, 5 days, 7:30-6:00, when I only need 3 days and only until 4:00. You know, I think kangaroos have the right idea. I need a pouch that I can just carry the kid around with me. Then I can go to work with the kid in the pouch, feed the baby when I need to, and all would be well. That would solve both the issues of day care and deciding which breast pump to buy.

But anyway, we have several people we trust on the case, and hopefully everything will work out. I usually have a lot of confidence that things work themselves out for the best, but this is my child we are talking about. I guess it's different than when you just go with the flow for yourself.

Last night we met with the priest from the Episcopal church. She is very nice. We talked for a very long time about all kinds of different stuff and it was very helpful - to me at least - to understand the differences between Episcopal and RC. Poor Darren didn't have a clue about some of the stuff I was asking about (like the Feast of the Assumption - which in all fairness, I didn't know what it was either except that you're supposed to go to church that day). We were there for two and a half hours and nobody got grilled. Nobody's religion got attacked. It was a nice little chat. And then we signed up our names to be part of the church and gave her the date we wanted for the baptism. We don't have to go to any baptism classes; we don't have to "convert." We can, if we so choose, be confirmed into the church or received into the church, which they do in the spring, but for now we're good. (I would be received into the church, since I was confirmed RC by a bishop. Darren would have to be confirmed, since, even though he was confirmed, he was not confirmed by a bishop.)

So all we have to do now for the baptism is call the church after the baby is born and give them the name of the baby, the Godparents names - yes they allow Godparents - yay!!! - and the date of birth. Darren and I are both so happy about this. It is such a relief.

On another note, today wraps up my second week of maternity leave. I got my notice of deposit for my paycheck in the mail yesterday. I was so happy to get paid, since I got a cc of a letter the disability company sent to my doctor with all these questions about why did I have to be out so far before my due date and could he forward all my medical records from my first day out of work until the present to them and blah blah blah stingycakes. But I got paid! For sitting around complaining about how fat and bloated I am! Woo hoo! Life is good!

Well, except for the fact that my flip-flops are now starting to be too tight on my feet. Vizma made a funny comment the other day, which is probably so true. She said, "Maybe that's why the phrase is, 'barefoot and pregnant'?"

I wouldn't doubt it. If I go a few more weeks, there isn't a shoe in the world that will fit over my feet.

Posted by Terri at April 28, 2006 07:36 AM


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