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May 01, 2006

38 Weeks, 1 Day

Today's Ticker:

I'm at least 7 lbs & if I decide to stay in here, my fingernails will need to be clipped!
Yes, your fingernails will have to be clipped and we will have to do some sort of procedure or something to fix whatever it is that makes your elbows, feet, knees and hands so pointy and sharp and painful.


I'm still pregnant. Yes, I know I'm not due for another 13 days, but seriously, this is getting old.

So I've been interviewing daycare people. And I have to know, is it so much to ask that you don't have the television on all day? I read that kids should not watch TV until age 2. I'm not sure if that's really honestly physically possible, but if I drop my baby off at day care at 7ish and pick him/her up at 4ish, that's a lot of hours sitting in front of the television. I don't want to raise a couch potato. And don't tell me it's because infants don't do much. Infants can do just plenty. They can interact with people. You can make faces at them and they can respond. They can have their tummy time. Don't tell me patronizingly that "it's ok if you don't want them to sit in the baby carrier, I can put them in the porta-crib. *laugh* The moms who are on their third child just say 'oh leave them in [the baby carrier] for a while'."

No, I'm not anal about the baby carrier because this is my first child. I'm not anal about the television because this is my first child. I don't want my second or any children after that to be fat little couch potatoes or develop flat head either. And if I'm so wiped after one kid that I don't care about the well being of my second, then I'd best off stop at one.

I actually think I've been pretty reasonable for a first-time mom. I've been pretty laid back. I didn't go crazy with the wipes warmer and the bottle sterilizer and I understand the fact that most likely, the baby will ingest dog slobber at one point or another. But as for mental, physical or emotional development of my child, I am not willing to skimp. Not for this one, not for the next one, not for anybody.

Ok, so that rambled a little more than I meant to. Wednesday I have an appointment with an "institutional" day care. From the website it sounds like an awesome program. There is no television, and it seems like they spend time with the infants. Then for toddlers and older, they seem to have really great programs in place. I know I wanted someone in home, but I'm just not sure that we'll get someone who doesn't just plop the kids in front of the TV. The woman we had lined up didn't do that, but who knows if we'll find someone else like that. I'd be ok with this program as long as it really is as good as it seems. We shall see.

On another note, my doctor has returned from vacation and I go to see him tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure he'll be all smug about the fact that I didn't go into labor, just like he said, after I freaked out on him that he was leaving me for a week. I think I actually get an internal exam, so maybe he'll look at me and tell me something awesome like I've started to dialate and I'm going to go into labor any day now. That would be ... um... what's the word?

... let's spin the wheel of adjectives... *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

That would be PHENOMENAL!

Posted by Terri at May 1, 2006 03:05 PM


Here is hoping that your delivery is simple and short, and that both you, D and the baby are happy and healthy!!

Posted by: Ari at May 2, 2006 08:58 AM

I'm thinking of you and I hope everything works out fine with the daycare place!

Posted by: Juno at May 3, 2006 11:13 AM

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