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May 05, 2006

38 Weeks, 5 Days

First, some technical issues. I'm sorry I haven't been responding to comments. I am no longer receiving comments in my email. Darren is looking into this problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. Thank you for your patience. ;)

So on to newer and more exciting things.

I'm still pregnant. According to the ticker, I have 9 days left. My cervix and I have been having long, meaningful talks. Well, actually, I talk and my cervix - I can only assume - ignores me. Why do I think it ignores me? Because I haven't gone into labor yet.

Today officially ends week 3 of maternity leave. Now, I'm sure if I was on vacation somewhere exotic and exciting, and I wasn't ginormously huge, three weeks would be a wonderful amount of time off. As it is, I'm cooped up in this house all day, my only company a dog who wants nothing more than to sleep and scratch at her stitches. It's not so much the boredom - I could find stuff to do - it's the lack of company. When you find yourself talking to inanimate objects, you know it's gotten bad. I know, I know, I should be getting my rest in now, but there's only so much rest I can take.

Oh look, here's the dog. Hi, dog. What are you doing? No! Wait, don't leave!

Stupid dog.

Anyway, I know I'm being completely cranky, and I should be glad for the fact that I don't have to drag ass into work every day, but there are people at work. There are no people here. And apparently I'm not good enough company for the dog anymore. Add that to the fact that the baby has declared war on my intestines, and it's not such a good time over here at pregnancy central. (You haven't lived until you've had an unborn infant kicking you in the spleen). And my ears are still stuffy.

Let me see; let's end this on a positive note... It's Friday! Yay! You might say, "What do you care for Friday? You're home every day!" Well, Friday means that tomorrow Darren will be home and I'll have another real live human to talk to instead of a dog, my various body parts and other things around the house that really don't hold up their end of the conversation. So yay for Friday!

Posted by Terri at May 5, 2006 09:02 AM


Yay for Friday... we'll have a nice dinner tonight and I will keep you entertained!!

Posted by: Darren at May 5, 2006 09:32 AM

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