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May 03, 2006

38 Weeks, 3 Days

I hate my cervix. But more on that later.

According to the ticker, I have 11 days left. According to me, I don't think I'm ever going into labor. But more on that later.

This morning I went to the daycare program. I was very impressed. It was clean; it had a good teacher/student (or caregiver/infant) ratio and they did a lot of stuff with the kids. There was no TV. There was quiet music playing in the infant room and everything was bright and fun. They have a list by week of what they are working on with the kids - starting at the littlest infants they have there - for motor skills and other developmental stuff. The kids there were happy, seemed to genuinely like the teachers, and were very well behaved. So we put our deposit down and hopefully in September they will have an opening in their Infant program.

This afternoon I went back to the doctor. Actually, I went to the doctor yesterday, but he was called into emergency surgery and wasn't there. I got weighed (lost another pound!) and had my blood pressure and urine and whatnot checked. But since I'm in my 39th week and really should have had an internal exam starting last week (not that it turned out to matter), the nurse wanted me to come back today to get my exam. So I did.


First of all, I learned today that when someone touches your cervix, it hurts a lot. I think I now know why the phrase "hurts like a mother" came into being, since to becoming a mother involves the harassing of your cervix and other such pains as I have not yet experienced but for which there are drugs.

Second, I learned today that my cervix is not at all cooperative. I am not the least bit dialated or effaced or anything. Of course, according to the doctor, this doesn't mean I can't go into "rip roaring labor" (his words) tonight. I'm guessing the chances of that, however, are fairly slim. But, thankfully, there are two things I can do to help my cervix along - walks and sex. (Let me just tell you, having a health care professional tell you that you need to have lots of sex is quite a trip. Having the nurse then tell you that she knows it's difficult to have sex in your ninth month and you need to "be creative" is even more of a trip.)

As of right now, my cervix is shut tight and not letting anybody out, much to the despair of both me and my unborn child, who is undoubtedly tired of the cramped conditions in my belly. I expressed my displeasure (read: whined) to the doctor about this and he said they can induce early, but with how my cervix is, it may not be that effective. I said I didn't want to induce early, I'm just cranky, there's nothing really wrong. He then told me I'm normal and everyone hits this point, so I shouldn't think there's anything wrong with me. But if it's unbearable, they can try to induce. I said, no, I can wait. *sigh* Then I asked about if I go past my due date and he said at 41 weeks they have to induce. So at least there is an end in sight.

Posted by Terri at May 3, 2006 01:42 PM


Just to make you chuckle "Let me hear a hell yeah", i hear saying that outloud will losen up the cervix!!

Posted by: Ari at May 4, 2006 08:10 AM

I'm willing to try anything at this point.


Well, at least it made me laugh...

Posted by: Terri at May 4, 2006 10:27 AM

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