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May 09, 2006

39 Weeks, 2 Days

Still pregnant. No labor.

I have regressed back to about sixteen years old. Why do I say this?

  1. Nobody understands me. Yes, with the extra 10+ years of experience, I realize that this is just my perception and not truth, but it is a very strong perception. Nobody gets it. Ok, and I also realize that anyone who is pregnant or has ever been pregnant gets it, so you all get a bye. But seriously, if you haven't been 9 months pregnant, you just Don't Get It.

  2. I am constantly hungry. As a teenager, my mom would call my brother and me "the locusts" because we would descend upon the house, eat all the food, then go off again. I haven't been full in I don't know how long. I have only been starving, hungry, and not quite hungry enough to get off my lazy bum and go down to the kitchen and rustle up some food. There is no full.

  3. My hormones are out of control. Seriously. Everything pisses me off, or makes me immensely happy. I haven't been on this kind of roller coaster of emotions since high school. My pregnancy angst is overwhelming.

  4. I can sleep til noon. Now, I was never one of those people to get up on the weekend or when they're off from work at 7:00 am (except on vacation at Disney or on the Cruise when there's so much to do). But sleeping til 11:00 or noon? When I had a late morning on the weekends I would be up before 10:00. And that was a late morning. Usually on the weekends I was up by nine. I realize my days are going to begin earlier with kids, but in my current non-parental state, yeah, about 9:00 we would be up and ready to go. It is now 20 after 11:00 and I just got up. I haven't been able to sleep like that since teenagerdom.

  5. My skin has declared war. I never really had bad skin. I'd get a zit here or there in High School. I never really took that good care of my skin either; I was just lucky. But now, since I've been pregnant, I have to be uber careful with my face or it breaks out all over the place.
But hopefully soon it will all be over and I can go back to being a boring adult and not be channeling my teenage self.

Posted by Terri at May 9, 2006 11:10 AM


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