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May 10, 2006

39 Weeks, 3 Days

So I just got back from the doctor.

Before the exam started - once I was in the room but before I was examined - the nurse, and then the doctor, started trying to sell me on the idea of induction. You know, the baby's fully cooked, so it can come out at any time. Induction isn't as bad as everyone says, he doesn't just crank up the pitocin and let you suffer through horrible intense labor pains; he tries to make it progress like regular labor.

That was all before the exam. Then he felt my cervix again. (Uncomfortable, but not as bad as last time since I was prepared for it.)

My cervix is still shut tight and thick. I actually said to the doctor, "You're kidding, right?" hoping it was some kind of sick joke. Nope, it was not a joke. Then everything changed. He doesn't want to induce because it may not take and then it will end up with a C-section after trying to induce me. Words everyone wants to hear.

He pulled out the little doppler and I got to hear the heartbeat, which was only a little nice, since I was worried about the baby and worried about my cervix and worried about a C-section and worried about induction. Then he measured my belly. I'm apparently "measuring rather big" which means the baby is rather big. So he starts feeling around my belly and says he thinks the baby is a little over 8 lbs.

So what now? Where do I go from here?

Well, tomorrow I go back in for an ultrasound to see how big the baby is. If the baby is over 9 lbs, then I get to go for an "elective C-section." If not, I have an appointment next week on Tuesday where we check out my cervix again. If there is progress, we induce. If not, well, he didn't really go there, but I think it either means trying to induce or having a C-section (or possibly both, who knows?)

I asked what I can do to help it along. You know, besides all the sex and walking. So he laughed and said more sex and walking, then patted my shoulder. Like I'm supposed to enjoy sex at 9 months pregnant. Or walking, for that matter.

I am trying to look at the silver lining to my cloud. First, I know that my cervix is nice and strong, and if I ever suffer from temporary insanity and decide to have another child, incompetent cervix should not be a problem. Second, I get to go for an ultrasound tomorrow, which means, hopefully, we will have a definitive answer as to what the sex of the baby is. And if it turns out to be a boy, we have some time to run out and get boy clothes. And if it really is a girl, I can put the "neutral, just-in-case take-me-home outfit" back in the drawer and revel in the frilly pink outfit that is packed in my suitcase. And third, I keep telling myself that this all doesn't matter, as long as the end result is a healthy baby and a healthy mommy. I think that's my new mantra. Healthy baby, healthy mom. Healthy baby, healthy mom.

Say it with me, people! And think open and thin thoughts at my cervix! Oh, and think "small baby" too...

Posted by Terri at May 10, 2006 12:27 PM


Honestly, being induced wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. See if you can hold out against the pitocin - if they'll give you the cytotec to help dilate you and see if your body picks up from there. Mine did, and I was able to avoid the pitocin until much later on, post-epidural, when my contractions were slowing down and they needed to regulate them a bit.

Posted by: erika at May 10, 2006 03:59 PM

Abre la puerta....let the baby out!! Hey kid, how about a cookie???

Posted by: Viz at May 11, 2006 04:44 PM

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