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May 12, 2006

39 Weeks, 5 Days

We learned a valuable lesson yesterday. We learned why ultrasounds are done in the 20th week. It's because ultrasounds done in the 40th week suck.

I was sure I would find out the sex of the baby, but the baby is just too big and cramped, with his/her legs pulled all the way up (in the fetal position), so there was no telling the sex.

I was sure I'd get awesome pictures. After all, it's a fully formed baby in there. But no, the baby is so big, it's like taking an ultrasound of your own internal organs. "Oh look, there's the bladder" (of the baby). Or, "that's part of the thigh bone." It didn't look like a baby at all. It was kind of like looking at the ultrasound I had done of my gall bladder years ago. You just kind of had to take the tech's word for it. The only thing I could clearly make out was the top of the head, because it's this big round top-of-head-shaped thing.

So no sex, no pictures. Well, I really went in there to find out the size of the baby for the doctor anyway. And we did get that. The baby is 3742 grams (give or take 434 grams). Which honestly, means nothing to me. So I went to the handy-dandy internet because I figured Mr. Google would be able to convert grams to lbs/oz for me. Well, the baby is 8 lbs 4 oz, give or take 15 oz.


So basically, what you're telling me is, the baby could be anywhere from 7 lbs 5 oz to 9 lbs 3 oz??? That's a BIG DIFFERENCE! Hopefully the doctor will be able to interpret this information in whatever way he needs to. Because to me, that tells me nothing except the baby is somewhere in the range of baby-size.

Now, I guess our plan for the next few days is to wait and see. I go back on Tuesday and maybe then he can tell me what's going to happen. We'll see then if I've progressed any, and I guess then I may know when the baby's coming (either by induction or C-section).

I hate waiting.

Posted by Terri at May 12, 2006 08:19 AM


Eh - take it all with a grain of salt. They told me Sammy was already 5 and change at 32 weeks, and as I got closer that he could be in the high 8s. He ended up being 7.4 - as normal as could be. :-)

Posted by: erika at May 12, 2006 01:31 PM

Oh, I'm so sorry that it still means more waiting for you. *huggles*

But it will be only a few more days. No weeks or months. Just a few days and you'll hold Shiny in your arms!!!


Posted by: Juno at May 13, 2006 06:50 PM

I am sure that the waiting sucks, but the end is near! Hope that you had a wonderful Mother's Day, mommy-to-be!

Posted by: Amber at May 14, 2006 09:18 PM

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