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May 11, 2006

39 Weeks, 4 Days

After a little retail therapy yesterday (thanks Viz!) I'm feeling much better about the situation. It's a wonder what spending money you don't have will do for your spirits...

Terri's List O' Reasons Why A Scheduled C-Section Is Actually A Good Thing

  1. My doctor will be the one responsible, instead of whoever is on call when I go into labor.

  2. Baby does not come out with a pill-head, puffy eyes, or broken blood vessels.

  3. No labor. No contractions

  4. No chance of episiotomy.

  5. No chance of "emergency" c-section.

  6. Four days in the hospital instead of two.

  7. Eight paid weeks off from work instead of six.

  8. Everything "down there" will not get all stretched out and I'll be the same as I was pre-pregnancy.

  9. I get to pick the birth date of my baby.

  10. No messy water breaking all over the place

  11. I don't have to decide if I want an epidural or not.

  12. Cool scar (which I can traumatize my mother with by threatening to show it to people).

  13. No chance of pooping on the table during the pushing phase.

  14. Don't have to worry about breathing techniques or labor positions or any of the other crap we wasted spent $125 to learn about.

  15. EDIT
  16. Won't aggravate the 'roids.

  17. END-EDIT.
If anyone has more, by all means, feel free to let me know!

Posted by Terri at May 11, 2006 12:47 PM


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