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May 27, 2006

Post-partum, Day 10


I'm sure you're all waiting with baited breath to hear all about our new baby. (And even if you're not, I've completely morphed into a Mom, where I innundate people with stories and pictures and the like.) So here goes.

It all started last Wednesday night. At the doctor on Tuesday, he decided it was time to induce, because my blood pressure was up a little and there was some protein in my urine. The doctor called the hospital and got me an appointment for Wednesday night at 8:00pm. They would start a round of cervadil (spelling?) to soften my cervix because it was still completely closed and thick.

Wednesday night we went into the hospital with the labor bag, my pillow and a lot of nervous energy. I signed in and got admitted. We went up to L&D (labor and delivery) and I got my room. I hung out for a while and met my nurse (who was awesome!) I had to answer a bunch of questions and sign a bunch of papers and then while watching the amazing race, they inserted the first round of cervadil. I managed to make it through Lost (yes, we were totally watching TV) before the pain hit. Labor pain? Oh no. Just one big continuous cramp. Darren and I walked; I tried relaxation; nothing helped. Finally I took some Ambien and fell asleep, still in pain.

The next morning at around 9:00 (12 hours after the cervadil was inserted) they removed the cervadil and checked my cervix. Still hard and thick and closed. Round two of cervadil was even worse than round one. (Not only because the daytime nurse couldn't insert it and had to try several painful times.) They wouldn't give me Ambien because it was during the day. They gave me Nubane which knocked me completely out. I woke up and couldn't move my body. Then the pain came back so bad I started throwing up. I took more Nubane and finally the pain went away when I passed out again.

A little after 7:00pm my doctor came in and checked my cervix. Guess what? Still hard and think and closed. Now, you need to understand how exhausted I was at this point after pretty much being in pain for 24 hours straight. And not even labor, where at least between contractions there is a reprieve. This was constant! My one option was another round (24 hours) of cervadil. I couldn't do it. Option two was a C-section.

Although I was terrified to be cut open, Darren and I knew it was the right choice. We talked to the nurse for a while with questions and concerns, and although it wasn't any less scary, we began to feel more comfortable. We said yes, let's do this. Let's get this baby out!

The C-Section

I'll tell you, I know it's major surgery, but C-sections are the way to go. They wheeled me into the OR at 8:45. I was being wheeled into recovery at 9:30. But let me back up a bit. They gave me a spinal, which was weird, but not painful at all. (I was still terrified and Darren wasn't allowed in the room yet, so my nurse - the awesome one from the first night - actually sat there and held my hand and talked me thorugh it.) The shot before to numb the area just kind of felt like a bruise, and then I really didn't even feel the spinal. After a few minutes, it felt like the lower half of my body was sitting in warm bath water.

They lay me back and prepped me, putting up a sheet so I couldn't see anything. Then my doctor started poking at my abdomen and asked if I could feel it. I said yes, but it didn't hurt, just felt like pressure. It was time to start. Darren came in around 9:00 and sat by my head. He was great. He kept me talking to distract me from what was going on behind the sheet. I could feel everything - no pain, just pushing and touching. I did hear the doctor say to hand him the knife, which was a little frightening, but I felt no cutting. Then someone pushed down on my stomach and the next thing I know, I hear a baby crying. It was 9:08 and little Dylan was out in the world for the first time, weighing 8 lbs, 2 oz and measuring 20 1/2 inches.

I don't remember much else of the surgery, because all I was aware of was the crying I heard. Darren was allowed to stand up and take a picture of Dylan and once he showed it to me it was all over. I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it. They brought him over, all swaddled and clean and I got to touch his cheek before he and Darren went to the Nursery to get weighted and bathed and all the other stuff they do to newborns. Like I said before, by 9:30 I was in recovery. Once I could move my feet I got to go into my room. My mom was there and once Dylan's temperature warmed up, they wheeled him in. I was prepared not to fall instantly in love with him, because they keep warning you that not all mothers fall instantly in love with their babies. I am not one of those women. He is the most beautiful baby in the entire world. (I warned you. I have morphed into Mom.)

Dylan Charles

Be prepared for insane amounts of gushing. Dylan is so unbelievably cute. I know I'm his mom and I have to think that, but seriously, everyone else says that too. And when I say "thank you" because I know they have to say that, they go on like, "No, really, he has really great features. He really is a good looking baby." And he is so strong. He has been picking his head up since day one. It's quite impressive for a newborn to have that kind of strength, but I've been saying that this kid was strong for months. Just ask my bladder and intestines and ribs. And his development is perfect; the doctor was very happy with him. And he is awake a lot - not crying, but just looking around all bright eyed at the world. He has Darren's hands and feet and mouth and I think he has my eyes. He's got a great temperment. Then comes the poop.

Who knew that someone that small could generate toxic waste so powerfully strong it sets grown men to retching. I thought Darren was going to lose his lunch the first time he smelled it. He was literally bent over, gagging. My brother was helping me change a diaper and he was forced to pull his shirt up over his face as a gas mask. And the burps! My goodness! He puts all of us to shame. I wish I could burp like that! The other night, Darren actually thought it was me. (I'm flattered and all, but Dylan has me beat!)

I will have pictures eventually (lots and lots and lots of pictures) but I will leave you with one right now. Of the cutest baby ever.

Posted by Terri at May 27, 2006 10:01 AM


What a great story! And to think, it seems like yesterday Darren shared that you were expecting.

Posted by: erika at May 27, 2006 02:26 PM

OMG, what a story. You're incredibly brave! I'm so happy that the c-section went fine for you.

And although I know I have to say it, I really mean it: your little Dylan is a very beautiful baby!



you wrote "Who knew that someone that small could generate toxic waste so powerfully strong it sets grown men to retching."

BEST. Line. Evvah.

For that line alone I love you. May I quote you?

I'm eagerly awaiting more pictures.

Take good care of yourself and of course of ickle Dylan!


Posted by: Juno at May 27, 2006 03:03 PM

Wow - what a great story. Sounds like it was a long couple of days, but definitely worth it in the end. And he is a gorgeous baby - I can tell from the pics. Can't wait to meet him!

Hope that you and Darren have a wonderful weekend (oh, and happy anniversary a couple of days in advance!).

Posted by: Amber at May 27, 2006 09:15 PM

What a sweet and precious baby boy you have. Congrats!

Posted by: Jenn at June 2, 2006 03:06 PM

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