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June 29, 2006

Happy Six Weeks, Dylan!

I thought this was supposed to get easier...

Ok, ok - so it is slightly easier than it was five weeks ago. (It's still harder than it was in the hospital when I had room service and my "easy" button). The problem is, everyone tells you, "Six weeks - it will get easier." You expect a magic transformation in your baby at six weeks. Poof - he's sleeping through the night. Poof - he's interacting with you. Poof - he can calm himself much better. Poof - he does more than eat sleep and poop. That's not the case.

Over the past few weeks, he has been coming closer to these things. But it's not sudden. It's so gradual - like his growth - that I don't always notice it, being right on top of him all the time. But then someone comes in who hasn't seen him in a few weeks and says, "Oh my, he's getting BIG!" and I look at him and realize that yes, he is.

I remember a week after I had him, I went for my check-up and there was a woman there with a six week old. I couldn't believe how big the girl was. She seemed gigantic compared to my little one-week-old Dylan. Now that he's six weeks, I look at him and realize that he is just as big (if not bigger, since he's huge) as that girl, and I can't believe how far he's come.

And I made it through six weeks. I had lots of help. Darren has been invaluable. He is great with Dylan and I would have killed someone (likely myself) without his help and support. My mom has saved me a bunch of times, coming over when I needed a nap, and my sister has come over and held Dylan to give me a break and some much needed adult conversation. My brother spent his vacation here doing various household tasks and cooking dinner for us several nights. My sister-in-law has been there when I need to call someone with kids to ask questions like "Is the doctor telling the truth that 99.4 isn't really a fever?" And my mother-in-law babysat so I could go to my sister's High School graduation.

Sure, people give me unsolicited advice and some people don't understand the meaning of "No, I don't want to put him in that stupid frigging seat," but for the most part these past six weeks have really reminded me of why we moved back up here. Having family close by is a godsend.

And my friends have been great too - coming over with (much needed) coffee and cooking for us. I know hanging out with a new mom who can only talk about her son and a screaming baby may not be the most fun in the world, but everone has been gracious enough to listen to all my poop stories, complaints about lack of sleep and gushing over how very cute he is.

So thank you everyone!!! We've made it through the first six weeks!

People weren't kidding when they said I wouldn't have this summer "off."

Posted by Terri at June 29, 2006 03:34 PM


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