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June 19, 2006

I ♥ the car!

I ♥ the car. I ♥ my Snugli. (Dylan ♥ the car but is not sold on ths Snugli yet).

This morning was rough. Lots of screaming, not a whole lot of sleep for me. So, Dylan was awake and I had to go to the bank, so I strapped him into his carseat (more screaming), carried him out to the car (some fussing, but I think he was too thrown by the new surroundings to scream), and we drove to the bank. There was a small amount of fussing in the car on the way to the bank when we had to stop, but then he was out cold. So...I drove to the mall - we did a lap around the mall and then drove home. (We almost drove down to my work, but I didn't have my diaper bag and was afraid to go that far from home without diapers, formula, etc). Thank heavens for the car.

This afternoon, Dylan let me sleep for 2 hours, but then when he got up to eat, afterwards there was more screaming. I couldn't take it anymore. My arms were going to fall off. So, we broke out the Snugli again and I put him in it. He didn't like it at first, and then only when I was up and walking around, and then only when I was sitting and bouncing. Now he's sleeping, face-planted into my chest. I would say the Snugli is a success.

Now, if only we were allowed to go anywhere that wasn't drive-thru. I could use my mad carseat and Snugli skillz for good purpose.

Posted by Terri at June 19, 2006 04:17 PM


What is a Snugli?

Posted by: Juno at June 20, 2006 06:20 PM

Yeah - inquiring non-baby having minds want to know - what is a Snugli???

Posted by: Vizma at June 22, 2006 02:19 PM

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