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August 08, 2006

And So It Begins...

It was brought to my attention at Dylan's baptism that I hadn't updated in a while. (Of course, this was brought to my attention by someone who doesn't have a 2 1/2 month-old). But anyway, here I am, updating. Since Uncle Mike does not want to read about something he was there for, I will just give you a quick update of the baptism.

Dylan was such a good baby! The priest (Reverend? Still not sure what to call her) held him during the sermon and he didn't cry. She held him while they poured water on his head and rubbed chrism on his forehead and he didn't cry. It was not until she walked down the aisle with him and he couldn't see Mommy that all hell broke loose. Forget it after that, he was done. Thankfully, before we went to eat, he fell asleep.

They gave him his baptismal candle and a little lamb and they gave us something for the Godparents that says they're Godparents. It was so nice. I am so happy we chose this church and that Dylan was baptized into it. They were also so kind while I was walking back and forth outside trying to calm Dylan and quiet him down.

But now I will write about something Uncle Mike has not read. Because, you know, it's all about keeping Uncle Mike happy.

Michael, you can start reading here.

I went onto the American Academy of Pediatrics website yesterday to look up something about starting solid food - since we are planning to do that next Friday - and I came across a baby development article that said that by the end of three months the baby should bat at toys above his head. Well, of course, I panicked because Dylan does not bat at toys above his head and he'll be three months next Friday. (Where did that time go?) Then I realized he never really had toys hanging above his head. So I got out the play mat Grandma gave him and stuck him on it. It has a fish (roughly the size and shape of a baseball) and a sea turtle and a mirror hanging down. He just lay there. I panicked again.

Then something wonderful happened. He found himself in the mirror. And well, this was just the funniest thing in the world. He lay there and laughed at himself in the mirror and got so excited that he waved his hands in the air. His hand hit the fish and caught his attention. Now, the fish was swinging back and forth and that was the funniest thing going. After that, he continued to swing at the fish, hit it, and giggle. (He did miss the fish about the same amount he hit the fish, but he was still batting at it).

That's when he made his amazing discovery. If you uncurl them, those fisty-things at the end of your arms can be used to manipulate your world. Now it's all over. First he tried to grab the fish, but since it is round he couldn't. Next he grabbed the mirror and managed to twist it around. Then he found his shirt. And lets just say, it's a good thing my little flasher is not a girl. Apparently pulling your shirt up and showing everyone your belly is hysterical because he does it and then looks at me and giggles.

Seriously. What is it with males and nudity?

Posted by Terri at August 8, 2006 11:16 AM


*giggles* *GIGGLES some more* He sounds so cute! I wish I could meet him! *huggles* What a smart son you have!

Posted by: Juno at August 8, 2006 11:51 AM

Don't discount the humor power of nudity. Think of any possible activity. Now picture it naked. See? Funnier.

And yes it is all about keeping me happy.

Posted by: Uncle Mike at August 8, 2006 01:20 PM

AWWW!!! More hours of entertainment for me when I visit! I could stare at him for hours!!

Posted by: Vizma at August 9, 2006 02:12 PM

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