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August 10, 2006

...A Giant Hippo That Moves!!!

First, let me just say that the other day after I posted, we achieved a new level of coordination. One hand could hit the fish while the other hand pulled the shirt up over the face. It was quite the sight.

Today, while he was lying on his mat hitting his fish - with two hands now - the dog wandered into the room and lay down next to the mat. Up until now, no matter what the dog did, Dylan paid no attention to her. Even when she licked his head, all he did was give me a horrified look as if to say, "What the deuce was that, Mommy???" Anyway, today was different. Today, he turned and looked at the dog and frowned. He made a grunty noise and the dog turned her face to look at him. Dylan kicked his legs, swung his arms and giggled at the dog.

The friendship begins. I've been telling Brandy for months that Dylan will be her best friend once he starts eating food and throwing it on the floor.

Uh oh. Hitting the fish has worn out its enjoyability for now. I have to go.

Posted by Terri at August 10, 2006 09:23 AM


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