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August 28, 2006

Dry Run Week - Day 1

Random thought of the day: It is a sad commentary on the world when you get uber excited about $2.75 for a gallon of gasoline and are willing to stop and fill up even though 1) there is a screaming baby in the back of the car and 2) it is in Dover.

Last feeding last night: 10:00 pm
Up and feeding this morning: 6:00 am
Mommy & Dylan ready: 7:00 am
Left Dylan's room: 7:20 am
Pulled out of driveway: 7:25 am
At daycare: 7:35 am

Since he's not supposed to get dropped off until 8:00 (or we have to pay an extra $140 a month), I think we can play for a little longer in the morning before we leave. Maybe Dylan can jump in his jumpee while Mommy empties the dishwasher or something.

The only downside is that he fell asleep in the car shortly after 7:45 (which is when we would be leaving to get to daycare at 8:00). Sure, today I got to go to Target and go shopping while he slept - since it's raining and that's the closest we'll get to a walk - but he's going to show up at daycare asleep. That's not good. He fell asleep and Mommy was there and then he wakes up in a strange place and no Mommy? Why did I think that maybe this was going to work?

And we're still trying to figure out his eating schedule, now that he's really sleeping through the night now (from 9:00 pm - 5:30 am or 10:00 pm - 6:00 am). But it threw everything off because when he was getting up at 3:30 he wouldn't eat til 7:00 and now we're off by an hour or so. And since some meals include rice cereal now, it varies how long he can go between meals. Just when I think I've got this Mommy thing down pat, it all changes and I don't know what I'm doing again. I know, I know. Get used to it.

He's changing so fast! How instead of swatting at toys, he's grabbing them. Both on his playmat and in his jumpee. There is an arched bar on the front of his playmat with these big beads on it, and he was trying to move the beads over the arch to the other side. You should have seen the look of concentration on his face - it was priceless!

Got to go. He's grown tired of grabbing his keys (hanging from his playmat) and trying to pull the thing down on top of him. I think he may be getting hungry, but who knows anymore.

Posted by Terri at August 28, 2006 09:46 AM


You thought it would work out because its going to work out. Week 1 might be rough and it might not be, remember the teachers didn't seem to think it would all be a big deal to him....

and I'm sorry, I can't let it go....ANYMORE!!BAHAHAHAA

Posted by: The Dad at August 28, 2006 04:02 PM

I'm sure teachers are used to the problem there... I don't think he's the first baby who shows up asleep. He'll get used to it and so will you! And he sounds so adorable, the way you describe him! And as if he's growing ZOMG so quickly. You need to post new pictures!

Posted by: Juno at September 4, 2006 04:55 PM

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