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August 15, 2006

Dylan can talk!!!

It's amazing. My baby can communicate. I mean, aside from screaming to let me know he is displeased.

Now before you start pulling out milestone charts and telling me it is impossible that my child is speaking, I want to point out that I did not say he can speak English. No. He speaks Dylanese. All I have to do now is figure out what he means.

I have translated a few words so far:

"Bruuuu" or "Ah Bruuuu" means "I'm tired of [whatever it is he is currently doing]. Please pick me up or I'm going to start to wail."

"Waah" - not crying, he literally says "waah" - means "You've got about 2 seconds, lady, to pick me up or I'm going to start screaming."

There are a bunch of others - "Maaaah" and "Goooo" and "Gaaah" - I haven't figured out yet, but they are happier words. He also giggles - a cute throaty giggle - when he is happy, which is very easy to understand.

On the flip side of him becoming more aware and intelligent, he is starting to understand more. This is sometimes not good. He has an aversion to naps, and I think he's figured out that when I swaddle him it means I'm going to try to put him to sleep, and therefore down for a nap. He gets very angry. He does not cry. No, he screams his little baby head off. I just thank my lucky starts that we don't have a problem yet putting him down to sleep at night. *Knock on wood*

Last night, we went for a walk, and since it wasn't sunny, we were able to put the canopy on the stroller down, and Dylan was completely intruiged with the trees and the sky going past. Usually he either screams or sleeps on walks, but this one he was awake and perfectly happy watching the world go by and playing with his burp cloth. And the other day at StrollerFit when I thought he was going to start crying because I left his line of vision, I came back to instead find him batting happily away at his bugs (that hang down from the stroller bar). So the aware/intelligent thing has two sides to it, I guess.

Posted by Terri at August 15, 2006 01:49 PM


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