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August 22, 2006


Everyone keeps telling me I look good and that I lost weight. Trouble is, I haven't. The instructor today told me I looked like I lost weight. I said thank you, but no I didn't. So I must be toning. Then we did Rockette kicks and I impressed the pants off everyone. Yet I'm still fat. And still a half an inch too short and about 10 sizes too big to be a Rockette.


Anyway, there is a 6 month old girl in class who is going to the same daycare as Dylan is. Yeah. She's a pound heavier than him.

Dylan's doing pretty well with his rice cereal. He eats a tablespoon with an ounce of formula every night for dinner. Of course, he's still waking up in the middle of the night. We'll go a week and then I'll increase the cereal and we'll see if we can't get him to sleep at least till 6.

Man...he just loves lying on his play mat, lifting up his shirt and batting at toys.

So, Dylan's Aunt Alecia is leaving for college in two days. It's amazing to think that when she comes back for Thanksgiving he may be sitting and crawling and stuff. What's even more amazing to me is I remember when she was Dylan's size and I couldn't wait for her to sit up and stuff. Where does time go?

Yesterday we went to the library (walked) to get a library card. I love libraries. And Dylan was nice and quiet in the library. (He was sleeping). Before I know it, he'll be going to story time.

Well, I'm kind of just rambling so I'm going to stop.

Posted by Terri at August 22, 2006 11:22 AM


Oh, I know what you mean... where does time go??? When I look at the kids of friends, and I think, "Wow, they were only just born!" And then I discover they are already almost a year and almost walking on their own... Treasure every moment!

Posted by: Juno at September 4, 2006 04:46 PM

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