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August 24, 2006

Dylan's Playdate From Hell

Well, I thought it was going well. We were on a mat, looking at trees and life was wonderful. Then we had to eat. Dylan had a fit because the formula was like 2 degrees cooler than it usually is. (No bottle warmer at the field). We had to go home and warm his bottle up to the exact right temperature. Who said babies under 6 months can't be spoiled?

I did learn that East Hanover movie theater has "Real Mom" movies every Tuesday, that you bring your babies (under one year old) and watch a movie. And I learned that if your kids "love TV and could watch it for hours" then they do alright watching the movies too. Yeah, well, not to sound all high and mighty, but Dylan does not watch TV and will not watch TV until he is at least 2. And even then it is going to be limited. I'm not having him sit and zone out to Baby Einstein, especially since when they name the planets they leave out Uranus.

Oh well. I suppose it would be easier to plop him in front of a TV, but I'm sorry. I just can't do that. I'd rather put him in the stroller and walk into town.

No wonder the majority of kids are obese today.

Posted by Terri at August 24, 2006 12:07 PM


You're a good mom. And it's much, much better for Dylan to get out and about. But I think there won't be any harm to try a "Real Mom"-movie with him. After all, that's nothing he can get easily used to. And he seems to be a very adventurous little boy, so maybe he'll like it?

Posted by: Juno at September 4, 2006 04:48 PM

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