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September 01, 2006

Last Day

Still feeling crappy. Well, not as bad, but yesterday I felt so crappy that Darren had to stay home and take care of Dylan so I could rest. He took care of all the feeding and playing and all I had to do was help Dylan to sleep since he falls asleep easier on me.

So, weird dream while I was napping yesterday. I was going to run a 5K, but I was late. I got there and a woman from my StrollerFit class said I could still run, but since I was late, I had to carry this heavy bag and my green [exercise] tube. I got to the start and my friend was there and she took the heavy bag away and was like, "we don't have to tell anyone that you're not carrying it." But then, as I was running there were people on either side of the road. Some were cheering and some were looking at their watches (since I was late and they wanted to go home). I could barely move my legs, and it was getting harder and harder. Then I came to a hill, and it got steeper and steeper until I was crawling my way up it at the end.

Having had two whole semesters of Psych in college, I will now analyze the dream. The 5K run was something I used to do, and me being late shows that I'm not quite back at my old self yet. The fact that I had to carry something heavy means I now feel like I have so much more to handle, and it's hard. My friend taking the bag away represents family and friends trying to help me. And then the not being able to run and the hill getting steeper is just your typical I-can't-handle-something scenario. That there is something overcoming me. Kind of like when you dream about a big wave drowning you. I'll admit it; I have a lot going on right now. But I didn't think it was getting the better of me.

I hate dreams. Why can't I just have dreams about LOST island and kissing Sawyer anymore?

Yeah, that's right. I said "anymore." And I used it correctly, so shhh.

Anyway, since I was feeling crappy yesterday, Dylan and I are going to daycare today. We will drop off his spare clothes and his sheets and diapers and wipes and whatnot. And then I *gasp* leave him in the room by himself and go off for a little while.

Ok. Explain to me how he packs all that energy into that little body. He has been doing bicycles with his legs while swatting at toys for the past 5 minutes. Straight. I don't think I could bicycle like that for a full minute. Not at that speed and intensity. Wow.

So happy Friday everyone. Have a good weekend. Maybe I'll update from work on Tuesday and embarass myself with what a weepy mess I turned out to be.

Posted by Terri at September 1, 2006 10:44 AM


Enjoy your last couple of days at home and I hope that you feel better!!!

Posted by: Viz at September 1, 2006 02:42 PM

Doesn't it help a little to know why you feel and dream the way you do? To me it feels absolutel natural. You do have an enormous load to shoulder now, I mean: you're a MOM! But the dream is right, too: you are not alone. You've got family and friends helping you. Try not to worry too much. I hope you'll feel better soon. *more huggles*

Posted by: Juno at September 4, 2006 05:02 PM

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