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September 05, 2006

First Day

Random annoyance while driving to work: Bumpersticker that reads "Marriage = [figure of man] + [figure of woman]." Yeah? F U and your stupid beat up old minivan. Jackass.

Anyway. We almost had a tear-free drop off at daycare. I saw one of my friends from StrollerFit dropping off her daughter (first day also) and after the inital happy "hi" of seeing someone somewhere you don't expect them, we both sort of teared up and couldn't talk to each other.

Dylan on the other hand was fine. He was the "helper" so that the teacher could carry him around, but after a few minutes of apparent tearfreeness (on his part) she put him down on a playmat and he happily bat at toys. I kissed him goodbye and managed to (somehow) walk out of the room. I wasn't sure if my legs would move at first, but somehow they did.

After that, I was fine. I have my first project and I'm happily working on it. I've been to two meetings today. I ate lunch when I felt like eating lunch and now I'm eating popcorn. And sitting. Sitting is good. Of course, my feet are not happy since they've been in sneakers and flip-flops for five months, but they'll have to deal with the heels.

I do miss my little Dylan, but having this break is kind of nice. Drop offs are going to be hard, I think, but once I'm here, it's not too bad. It was just such a hard, long day taking care of him. Maybe the novelty of an office and a computer and a phone and sitting and lunchtime will wear off. And I'm sure on the days I hate my job I'll wish I was a stay-at-home mom. But I think I'll have a nice balance. And the time we spend together I won't be so worn out and over-baby-saturated that I'll really appreciate Dylan and our time together will be quality.

On another note, a woman here brought in her kids today. The youngest is one year old. Yeah. She's 4 lbs heavier than Dylan.

Posted by Terri at September 5, 2006 02:10 PM


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