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September 06, 2006

So Not Loving Life Right Now

Although drop-off went well yesterday, the Nurse Ratchet of daycare was waiting for me when I went to pick Dylan up. He was screaming when I walked in the room, but that is understandable, since he was butt-ass-naked, being cleaned. Apparently, he poopied on his clothes and had to be changed. But they fed him FIVE TIMES while he was there…

Dylan’s Regular Feeding Schedule:
6:00 am
10:00 am
1:30 pm
5:00 pm (with some rice cereal)
9:00 pm (with some rice cereal)

Dylan’s Schedule Yesterday:
6:00 am
8:30 am
11:30 am (only ate 2 ounces)
12:30 pm
2:50 pm
4:00 pm (only ate 2 ounces)
7:30 pm (with some rice cereal)
10:00 pm (with some rice cereal)


I asked why they fed him so much and she told me because he was hungry. No. He was not hungry. She said he was crying. I asked if she tried anything else and she said nothing else would console him – he was hungry. Obviously he was not hungry if he only ate 2 ounces. She proceeded to tell me that it’s going to be different than at home. I asked if she tried picking him up and she said no, because she has 8 babies. (Which is a big fat lie, since she is only responsible – by law – for 4). I asked if when he got used to daycare, if we could get him back on his schedule and she started blathering about how his schedule will change week to week and blah blah blah I’m-a-big-fat-old-bint-cakes. But seriously? He’s been eating every 3 ½ to 4 hours since he was 5 weeks old (I looked back through the records we keep). So I talked to the other teacher this morning. Apparently, they weren’t sure if he was hungry, because they don’t know his cries yet, and they were trying different things. And she said it would get back to a schedule. Now, if only Nurse Ratchet would be less of an uberbitch, things would be good.

I did get a cute heart with Dylan’s footprints on it that’s hanging on the fridge.

In other news, I’m in jury duty today. Joy. This is being typed in word – I don’t have internet access – and I’ll post it later.

Posted by Terri at September 6, 2006 01:27 PM


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