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September 14, 2006

Uber Crap Revisited

Random thought of the day: I didn't realize that "sexy" had ever left, but if it needs to be brought back, shouldn't we enlist someone like Dr. McDreamy instead of a scrawny crybaby ex-boy-band poser? (I do love the song, though).

Second random thought of the day: I don't usually follow celebrity gossip, but Whitney filing for separation? Awesome. Now she can be known as the woman who not only sang the kick-assest National Anthem ever but, if the government gets its act together, also lured Osama out of hiding with her "real Muslim"ness.

I'm sick again. Dylan and I seem to be passing it back and forth. Thankfully he slept through the night last night, at least til 5:00 am. I, on the other hand, did not. I was up checking on him ever hour or so. Ah, motherhood. The wonderful neurosis of motherhood.

So since I can't be witty and entertaining today, this will just be an update post.


Dylan started back eating rice cereal for dinner. (He still drinks it at night before bed). But next week, the rice cereal, bowl and spoon go to daycare and he will be eating his rice cereal for lunch. This is because next week he is 4 months old and we will start introducing other foods at dinner, starting with the other cereals and eventually progressing to ... veggies! Yay!


I would like to apologize to the teacher I refered to as "Nurse Ratchet." She actually turned out to be a nice person. She must have just been having a rough day.

But Dylan is doing well, adjusting. He likes it when he is around the other babies, not so much when he's by himself. He is a people person, which is a good thing. (He's such a good baby). He smiles and laughs at his teachers and at the other babies and everyone seems to know and like him. (Of course, they also tell me that when he cries, everyone cries. Well, sure. He's so loud it probably hurts their little ears).

I think that's all for now. I should probably go get some work done. Yay. Fun.

Posted by Terri at September 14, 2006 10:47 AM


He definitely sounds like your son. And that's a compliment! *hugs* I'm trying to imagine how he gets all of them to scream... LOL! (Well, I can love, having only two cats to annoy me so far...)

Posted by: Juno at September 15, 2006 05:41 PM

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