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September 27, 2006

...And now Mommy's sick...


I sort of forget what it's like to not have a sore throat.

I really can't think of anything to write except:

1) Dylan needs to learn that 4:00 am is not morning.
2) I get to go to a tap workshop on Oct 8.
3) I went into daycare yesterday and Dylan was sleeping ON HIS STOMACH.

About number 3. I was NOT HAPPY. But, I told her I was not happy, and I spoke to the teacher that's there in the morning (who agreed with me) and I'm hopeful that it will not happen again. I mean, we got a paper coming home and everything saying that babies are put to sleep on their backs. If you want them on their sides, you need to provide a wedge. If they can roll over and roll over to their stomach and prefer that, you need a doctor's note. Dylan can not roll over, nor do I have a doctor's note.

It had better not happen again.

Posted by Terri at 12:17 PM | Comments (0)

September 25, 2006

...And now Daddy's sick...

You know what's sad? Darren doesn't feel well, so I'm picking up the slack around here - no, that's not what's sad. What's sad is the fact that today I gave Dylan his bedtime bottle and then I had to wash bottles and get them ready for daycare tomorrow after Dylan ate, instead of while Darren feeds him. I just finished that and I'm like, "OMG, I'm so tired, it's so late."

It's 9:30.

I used to be getting ready at this time to go out and start partying. That's what's sad.

So yeah, Darren is sick now. All drippy down the back of his throat. It's just an endless party over here. At least Dylan and I are feeling better. If we were all sick together it would be rough. I mean, I'm not surprised Darren got sick after taking care of the two of us last week. It kind of was a hard bullet to dodge.

But Dylan and I are both feeling better. Thank you everyone for your well-wishes. It was rough, but we got through it. Dylan had a good day at daycare today. We got his school pictures back (they are so cute). And he apparently was talking a lot today. When I came in to pick him up, he was playing in the exersaucer, completely oblivous to the fact that I walked in even though he was right by the door.

We came home. We ate dinner - well, Dylan ate dinner; I had a granola bar - and we went to StrollerFit for the first time in two weeks. (Holy burn).

Hopefully Darren will start feeling better soon and we can put this lousy sick mess behind us... until next time...

Posted by Terri at 09:34 PM | Comments (0)

September 22, 2006

The Week From Hell

Monday Got up. Got dressed for work. Darren mentions Dylan's not eating well for his morning meal. Feels a little hot. We take his temperature. 101.3 degrees. No work for Mommy. Mommy and Dylan go to the doctor. Doctor checks out Dylan, put a baggie over Dylan Jr to collect a urine sample. Says ears are looking better. If still a temp in the morning, we will go back to the doctor with the urine to check for UTI or bladder infection. Of course, if temp goes over 103 we are to go to hospital.

Tuesday Morning Still a temperature. Back to doctor with urine. Not a UTI or bladder infection. Doctor changed our prescription to something a little stronger. Sent to hospital for blood test (CBC for white blood cell count and blood culture). Dylan, Mommy and Daddy trekked to the hospital and pulled a sneaky-sneaky and went up to Pediatrics for his blood test instead of the lab. Blood for CBC clotted so no results. Doctor not going to make us redo it unless still a temp tomorrow. Blood for culture ok, waiting on results. Of course, if temp goes over 103 we are to go (back) to hospital.

Tuesday Afternoon Dylan is not eating much at all. Still wetting diapers but not eating. Can't give new meds because it has to be taken with food. Doctor says if he still hasn't eaten by 9:00 pm, bring him to hospital. Of course, if temp goes over 103 we are to go to hospital.

Tuesday Evening Temp over 103. Dylan, Mommy and Daddy back at hospital. Chest X-Ray (comes back normal) CBC again (comes back normal). Given oral tylenol and sent home.

Wednesday Not sure what went on with Dylan. Mommy puking all day. Diarhea all morning. The Grandmas tag-teamed all day to take care of Dylan until Daddy got home.

Thursday Morning Mommy got up, still puking. Dylan got up, still temperature. Daddy took Dylan to doctor. Mommy went to her doctor. Dylan's ears were a little red and his throat was pussy. If he still had a temp by Friday, he was going to have to be admitted to the hospital. Mommy's doctor checked her out and gave her drugs to stop the nausea (because she threw out the ones from her pregnancy). They weren't working by 2:00 pm. Mommy still sick. Dylan still sick. Daddy exhausted.

Thursday Evening Everyone started to turn a corner. Mommy feeling better, eating soup and rice. Dylan's temperature down all day. Praise the Lord, maybe we're getting through this.

Friday Morning Daddy exhausted. Mommy exhausted (and still a little pukey). Dylan fine. Mommy and Daddy bring Dylan to daycare. Sleep all morning.

Friday Afternoon Daddy picks Dylan up from daycare. Happy happy joy. Dylan eats his lunch and Mommy notices a rash on his arm. Turns out rash is on whole body. Back to the doctor. Mommy makes a funny with receptionist about running a tab. Daddy and wallet not amused. Doctors check out Dylan, don't think it's an allergic reaction, but rather viral. Put him on benadryl - if it's allergic, benadryl will clear it up. And then they have to change antibiotics again.

Friday Evening Rash starts to clear up. Benadryl knocks baby out. Mommy and Daddy veg on couch and watch Lost DVDs.

Quote from Grandma: "Baptism by Fire"


Posted by Terri at 10:15 PM | Comments (3)

September 14, 2006

Uber Crap Revisited

Random thought of the day: I didn't realize that "sexy" had ever left, but if it needs to be brought back, shouldn't we enlist someone like Dr. McDreamy instead of a scrawny crybaby ex-boy-band poser? (I do love the song, though).

Second random thought of the day: I don't usually follow celebrity gossip, but Whitney filing for separation? Awesome. Now she can be known as the woman who not only sang the kick-assest National Anthem ever but, if the government gets its act together, also lured Osama out of hiding with her "real Muslim"ness.

I'm sick again. Dylan and I seem to be passing it back and forth. Thankfully he slept through the night last night, at least til 5:00 am. I, on the other hand, did not. I was up checking on him ever hour or so. Ah, motherhood. The wonderful neurosis of motherhood.

So since I can't be witty and entertaining today, this will just be an update post.


Dylan started back eating rice cereal for dinner. (He still drinks it at night before bed). But next week, the rice cereal, bowl and spoon go to daycare and he will be eating his rice cereal for lunch. This is because next week he is 4 months old and we will start introducing other foods at dinner, starting with the other cereals and eventually progressing to ... veggies! Yay!


I would like to apologize to the teacher I refered to as "Nurse Ratchet." She actually turned out to be a nice person. She must have just been having a rough day.

But Dylan is doing well, adjusting. He likes it when he is around the other babies, not so much when he's by himself. He is a people person, which is a good thing. (He's such a good baby). He smiles and laughs at his teachers and at the other babies and everyone seems to know and like him. (Of course, they also tell me that when he cries, everyone cries. Well, sure. He's so loud it probably hurts their little ears).

I think that's all for now. I should probably go get some work done. Yay. Fun.

Posted by Terri at 10:47 AM | Comments (1)

September 13, 2006

Necisito Dormir

Things I've learned about babies this week:

Dylan is in daycare, after having been on antibiotics for over 24 hours. I am at work, after not having slept much since Saturday night. I can't think enough to write something that makes sense.

Posted by Terri at 09:45 AM | Comments (3)

September 12, 2006

Just Super

Dylan has an ear infection. Luckily, today is my day off so I could take him to the doctor without missing work. I just hate to start calling out when I've only been back for a week.

You wouldn't know it to look at him. He's all giggles and smiles still.

Yeah, the daycare called yesterday saying his temperature was 100.2, and one more point and I'd have to come get him. They took it because he was crying and crying and nothing would console him. So I left a little early and went and got him. Of course, when I got there, he was fine and when I took his temp at home it was 99.4 which isn't a temperature at all. But he's all congested and he hasn't been sleeping well at night the last two nights because he's up coughing and sneezing and being congested, so I took him to the doctor today.

The doctor also said that his gums are very swollen, so he's teeting too. Isn't that wonderful? Will the fun never end?

So, he goes to the doctor anyway on the 29th, so that will also be his follow-up sick appointment. He's on antibiotics now (the yummy pink), so hopefully he'll start feeling better and sleeping through the night again.

Poor little guy. You'd think he'd have to be in daycare more than a week to start picking up germs. He coughs and then looks at you all pitifully like, "What is going on with that?"

Other than that, daycare has been getting better. On Friday they said he had a really good day. Nurse Ratchet turned out to not be so bad, she must have just been having a bad day or something. The next day she was all impressed with Dylan because he giggled at her and is so strong and can sit at the table like the older babies, even though he's not yet four months.

Oh - and I almost got picked for a jury. I was in the jury box and everything. Then one of the lawyers dismissed me. I wouldn't have minded serving if, again, I hadn't just gone back to work.

I'm so tired. Dylan's sleeping. I wish I could be sleeping but the window people are here installing the stupid bay window. I'm going to keel over soon. And Darren may have to work late. I'm just loving today.

Posted by Terri at 01:26 PM | Comments (3)

September 08, 2006

How Very Cute

Pic Spam! (Well, only two pictures)

Mommy & Dylan on FIrst Day

Daddy & Dylan - Ready for Football

Posted by Terri at 10:34 AM | Comments (3)

September 06, 2006

So Not Loving Life Right Now

Although drop-off went well yesterday, the Nurse Ratchet of daycare was waiting for me when I went to pick Dylan up. He was screaming when I walked in the room, but that is understandable, since he was butt-ass-naked, being cleaned. Apparently, he poopied on his clothes and had to be changed. But they fed him FIVE TIMES while he was there…

Dylan’s Regular Feeding Schedule:
6:00 am
10:00 am
1:30 pm
5:00 pm (with some rice cereal)
9:00 pm (with some rice cereal)

Dylan’s Schedule Yesterday:
6:00 am
8:30 am
11:30 am (only ate 2 ounces)
12:30 pm
2:50 pm
4:00 pm (only ate 2 ounces)
7:30 pm (with some rice cereal)
10:00 pm (with some rice cereal)


I asked why they fed him so much and she told me because he was hungry. No. He was not hungry. She said he was crying. I asked if she tried anything else and she said nothing else would console him – he was hungry. Obviously he was not hungry if he only ate 2 ounces. She proceeded to tell me that it’s going to be different than at home. I asked if she tried picking him up and she said no, because she has 8 babies. (Which is a big fat lie, since she is only responsible – by law – for 4). I asked if when he got used to daycare, if we could get him back on his schedule and she started blathering about how his schedule will change week to week and blah blah blah I’m-a-big-fat-old-bint-cakes. But seriously? He’s been eating every 3 ½ to 4 hours since he was 5 weeks old (I looked back through the records we keep). So I talked to the other teacher this morning. Apparently, they weren’t sure if he was hungry, because they don’t know his cries yet, and they were trying different things. And she said it would get back to a schedule. Now, if only Nurse Ratchet would be less of an uberbitch, things would be good.

I did get a cute heart with Dylan’s footprints on it that’s hanging on the fridge.

In other news, I’m in jury duty today. Joy. This is being typed in word – I don’t have internet access – and I’ll post it later.

Posted by Terri at 01:27 PM | Comments (0)

September 05, 2006

First Day

Random annoyance while driving to work: Bumpersticker that reads "Marriage = [figure of man] + [figure of woman]." Yeah? F U and your stupid beat up old minivan. Jackass.

Anyway. We almost had a tear-free drop off at daycare. I saw one of my friends from StrollerFit dropping off her daughter (first day also) and after the inital happy "hi" of seeing someone somewhere you don't expect them, we both sort of teared up and couldn't talk to each other.

Dylan on the other hand was fine. He was the "helper" so that the teacher could carry him around, but after a few minutes of apparent tearfreeness (on his part) she put him down on a playmat and he happily bat at toys. I kissed him goodbye and managed to (somehow) walk out of the room. I wasn't sure if my legs would move at first, but somehow they did.

After that, I was fine. I have my first project and I'm happily working on it. I've been to two meetings today. I ate lunch when I felt like eating lunch and now I'm eating popcorn. And sitting. Sitting is good. Of course, my feet are not happy since they've been in sneakers and flip-flops for five months, but they'll have to deal with the heels.

I do miss my little Dylan, but having this break is kind of nice. Drop offs are going to be hard, I think, but once I'm here, it's not too bad. It was just such a hard, long day taking care of him. Maybe the novelty of an office and a computer and a phone and sitting and lunchtime will wear off. And I'm sure on the days I hate my job I'll wish I was a stay-at-home mom. But I think I'll have a nice balance. And the time we spend together I won't be so worn out and over-baby-saturated that I'll really appreciate Dylan and our time together will be quality.

On another note, a woman here brought in her kids today. The youngest is one year old. Yeah. She's 4 lbs heavier than Dylan.

Posted by Terri at 02:10 PM | Comments (0)

September 01, 2006

Last Day

Still feeling crappy. Well, not as bad, but yesterday I felt so crappy that Darren had to stay home and take care of Dylan so I could rest. He took care of all the feeding and playing and all I had to do was help Dylan to sleep since he falls asleep easier on me.

So, weird dream while I was napping yesterday. I was going to run a 5K, but I was late. I got there and a woman from my StrollerFit class said I could still run, but since I was late, I had to carry this heavy bag and my green [exercise] tube. I got to the start and my friend was there and she took the heavy bag away and was like, "we don't have to tell anyone that you're not carrying it." But then, as I was running there were people on either side of the road. Some were cheering and some were looking at their watches (since I was late and they wanted to go home). I could barely move my legs, and it was getting harder and harder. Then I came to a hill, and it got steeper and steeper until I was crawling my way up it at the end.

Having had two whole semesters of Psych in college, I will now analyze the dream. The 5K run was something I used to do, and me being late shows that I'm not quite back at my old self yet. The fact that I had to carry something heavy means I now feel like I have so much more to handle, and it's hard. My friend taking the bag away represents family and friends trying to help me. And then the not being able to run and the hill getting steeper is just your typical I-can't-handle-something scenario. That there is something overcoming me. Kind of like when you dream about a big wave drowning you. I'll admit it; I have a lot going on right now. But I didn't think it was getting the better of me.

I hate dreams. Why can't I just have dreams about LOST island and kissing Sawyer anymore?

Yeah, that's right. I said "anymore." And I used it correctly, so shhh.

Anyway, since I was feeling crappy yesterday, Dylan and I are going to daycare today. We will drop off his spare clothes and his sheets and diapers and wipes and whatnot. And then I *gasp* leave him in the room by himself and go off for a little while.

Ok. Explain to me how he packs all that energy into that little body. He has been doing bicycles with his legs while swatting at toys for the past 5 minutes. Straight. I don't think I could bicycle like that for a full minute. Not at that speed and intensity. Wow.

So happy Friday everyone. Have a good weekend. Maybe I'll update from work on Tuesday and embarass myself with what a weepy mess I turned out to be.

Posted by Terri at 10:44 AM | Comments (2)