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May 28, 2006

Post Partum, Day 11

I have the best baby ever! He is lying in his little pack-n-play, all bright eyed, watching me while I type. How Darren and I managed to have a baby with such a good disposition will forever remain a mystery to me.

There is not much else going on here except for eating, pooping, sleeping and looking so incredibly cute it's just isn't real. We're still working on the feeding thing. Oh, I don't think I got into the whole feeding thing.

I decided before I had Dylan that I was going to breastfeed. I breastfed exclusively in the hospital for a few days. Dylan was born Thursday night and at around 1:30 Friday morning they brought him in and I tried to breastfeed. It took 1 1/2 hours and nothing really worked. They said not to worry; he probaby wasn't hungry yet, and we tried again a few hours later. It worked better, but was extremely painful. They assured me that would go away within a week.

Things weren't so hot on Friday. He wasn't latching on and feeding time was a fight - a very painful fight. He would cry that he was hungry and I would cringe, not wanting to face feeding him. That all changed Friday night. We had two excellent feedings. I was beginning to feel confident about the whole breastfeeding thing. Then came Saturday.

By Saturday night, he hadn't had a wet diaper since 3 a.m. and no poopie diapers since 11 a.m. To top it off, his bilirubin was on the rise because he wasn't flushing it out and he was getting dehydrated. He had also lost 7 oz. All because he wasn't getting enough to eat. Basically, I had two choices: supplement with formula or risk having him put under UV light for the jaundice and even worse, it was a real possibility he could end up in the NICU with an IV to rehydrate him.

I was understandably very upset. After giving birth to a completely healthy baby, hearing the words NICU was horrible! So, we decided to supplement.

Forget breastfeeding after that. It became even more of a fight. I did it through the first night I was home (Monday) and then said forget it. I'm not enjoying my baby as much as I could be. He has to eat every few hours and I dread it. So I decided to pump and feed. Not only will feeding time be less stressful for both me and Dylan, but Darren can help feed him too. We can also see exactly how much he eats. And let me tell you, he EATS. When I pump, I've been producing between 2-3 ounces at a time. Generally, it's around 2. Dylan eats close to 4 ounces at a sitting. I'm not sure quite where he is putting it all. So he wasn't getting enough because I wasn't producing enough.

I am slowly coming to terms with that. It's hard, when the lactation consultants say that I caused myself not to produce enough by supplementing in the beggining, but I really don't think we had a choice. It broke my heart to think of the little guy with an IV in him all because I stubbornly refused to feed him anything but breastmilk. I know it's better for him, but drinking only breastmilk and ending up in the NICU is not better than drinking formula.

Oh well. I guess we do the best we can. And I think it's ok. At his last doctor's appointment he had gained back all his birthweight - something they don't expect until the second week - plus and extra 1.5 ounces. He's producing wet diapers like he's supposed to. I'm pretty sure we made the right decision to supplement, but it's still hard sometimes when you hear some people say that if you hadn't, you'd still be breastfeeding.

Posted by Terri at 02:10 PM | Comments (3)

May 27, 2006

Post-partum, Day 10


I'm sure you're all waiting with baited breath to hear all about our new baby. (And even if you're not, I've completely morphed into a Mom, where I innundate people with stories and pictures and the like.) So here goes.

It all started last Wednesday night. At the doctor on Tuesday, he decided it was time to induce, because my blood pressure was up a little and there was some protein in my urine. The doctor called the hospital and got me an appointment for Wednesday night at 8:00pm. They would start a round of cervadil (spelling?) to soften my cervix because it was still completely closed and thick.

Wednesday night we went into the hospital with the labor bag, my pillow and a lot of nervous energy. I signed in and got admitted. We went up to L&D (labor and delivery) and I got my room. I hung out for a while and met my nurse (who was awesome!) I had to answer a bunch of questions and sign a bunch of papers and then while watching the amazing race, they inserted the first round of cervadil. I managed to make it through Lost (yes, we were totally watching TV) before the pain hit. Labor pain? Oh no. Just one big continuous cramp. Darren and I walked; I tried relaxation; nothing helped. Finally I took some Ambien and fell asleep, still in pain.

The next morning at around 9:00 (12 hours after the cervadil was inserted) they removed the cervadil and checked my cervix. Still hard and thick and closed. Round two of cervadil was even worse than round one. (Not only because the daytime nurse couldn't insert it and had to try several painful times.) They wouldn't give me Ambien because it was during the day. They gave me Nubane which knocked me completely out. I woke up and couldn't move my body. Then the pain came back so bad I started throwing up. I took more Nubane and finally the pain went away when I passed out again.

A little after 7:00pm my doctor came in and checked my cervix. Guess what? Still hard and think and closed. Now, you need to understand how exhausted I was at this point after pretty much being in pain for 24 hours straight. And not even labor, where at least between contractions there is a reprieve. This was constant! My one option was another round (24 hours) of cervadil. I couldn't do it. Option two was a C-section.

Although I was terrified to be cut open, Darren and I knew it was the right choice. We talked to the nurse for a while with questions and concerns, and although it wasn't any less scary, we began to feel more comfortable. We said yes, let's do this. Let's get this baby out!

The C-Section

I'll tell you, I know it's major surgery, but C-sections are the way to go. They wheeled me into the OR at 8:45. I was being wheeled into recovery at 9:30. But let me back up a bit. They gave me a spinal, which was weird, but not painful at all. (I was still terrified and Darren wasn't allowed in the room yet, so my nurse - the awesome one from the first night - actually sat there and held my hand and talked me thorugh it.) The shot before to numb the area just kind of felt like a bruise, and then I really didn't even feel the spinal. After a few minutes, it felt like the lower half of my body was sitting in warm bath water.

They lay me back and prepped me, putting up a sheet so I couldn't see anything. Then my doctor started poking at my abdomen and asked if I could feel it. I said yes, but it didn't hurt, just felt like pressure. It was time to start. Darren came in around 9:00 and sat by my head. He was great. He kept me talking to distract me from what was going on behind the sheet. I could feel everything - no pain, just pushing and touching. I did hear the doctor say to hand him the knife, which was a little frightening, but I felt no cutting. Then someone pushed down on my stomach and the next thing I know, I hear a baby crying. It was 9:08 and little Dylan was out in the world for the first time, weighing 8 lbs, 2 oz and measuring 20 1/2 inches.

I don't remember much else of the surgery, because all I was aware of was the crying I heard. Darren was allowed to stand up and take a picture of Dylan and once he showed it to me it was all over. I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it. They brought him over, all swaddled and clean and I got to touch his cheek before he and Darren went to the Nursery to get weighted and bathed and all the other stuff they do to newborns. Like I said before, by 9:30 I was in recovery. Once I could move my feet I got to go into my room. My mom was there and once Dylan's temperature warmed up, they wheeled him in. I was prepared not to fall instantly in love with him, because they keep warning you that not all mothers fall instantly in love with their babies. I am not one of those women. He is the most beautiful baby in the entire world. (I warned you. I have morphed into Mom.)

Dylan Charles

Be prepared for insane amounts of gushing. Dylan is so unbelievably cute. I know I'm his mom and I have to think that, but seriously, everyone else says that too. And when I say "thank you" because I know they have to say that, they go on like, "No, really, he has really great features. He really is a good looking baby." And he is so strong. He has been picking his head up since day one. It's quite impressive for a newborn to have that kind of strength, but I've been saying that this kid was strong for months. Just ask my bladder and intestines and ribs. And his development is perfect; the doctor was very happy with him. And he is awake a lot - not crying, but just looking around all bright eyed at the world. He has Darren's hands and feet and mouth and I think he has my eyes. He's got a great temperment. Then comes the poop.

Who knew that someone that small could generate toxic waste so powerfully strong it sets grown men to retching. I thought Darren was going to lose his lunch the first time he smelled it. He was literally bent over, gagging. My brother was helping me change a diaper and he was forced to pull his shirt up over his face as a gas mask. And the burps! My goodness! He puts all of us to shame. I wish I could burp like that! The other night, Darren actually thought it was me. (I'm flattered and all, but Dylan has me beat!)

I will have pictures eventually (lots and lots and lots of pictures) but I will leave you with one right now. Of the cutest baby ever.

Posted by Terri at 10:01 AM | Comments (4)

May 19, 2006

He's Arrived

Yes, that is right, I said "He"

Dylan Charles was born on Thurs, May 18th at 9:08pm. The little guy came into the world weighing 8lb 2oz's and is 20.5 inches long.

Mom and son are both doing extremely well.

More later when I can get a chance to tell the story.

Posted by Darren at 03:11 PM | Comments (7)

May 17, 2006

40 Weeks, 3 Days

Well, I had held out hope that the doctor would be able to interpret the ultrasound results better than I could. But no, he was very upset. (Quote: "I don't like this '15 oz' thing. What is that?") I don't know...you're the doctor... So in addition to another fun cervical exam, he had to push hard all over my belly to try and discern how big the baby is from the outside, but as he said, it is not an exact science. He thinks the baby's about 8 1/2 lbs, and even if it is the 9lbs 3oz that the ultrasound said was the max it could be, that's still deliverable vaginally. So no elective C-section. Yet.

Cervix is still closed. I called it my "cervix of steel" to the doctor, who could have at least humored an overdue pregnant woman by cracking a smile. I don't think he's any happier with my cervix than I am. I may have been a little pouty after that (more because my cervix is still closed than the fact he didn't get my humor), so he smiled all encouragingly at me when we heard the baby's heartbeat. Yeah. That makes it all better. You know, the fact that there's still a heartbeat in my stomach doesn't in the least way piss me off. Talk to me when I can hear the baby's heartbeat with a stethescope.

So we're looking like labor and delivery may still be an option. Great. Just when I psyched myself up that an elective C-section was totally the way to go. Now I guess I have to come up with my list of reasons why vaginal delivery is better than a C-section. I don't know... I realize it's surgery - but it's only one hour!

There's got to be a better way to do this whole birth thing.

Posted by Terri at 02:21 PM | Comments (4)

May 16, 2006

40 Weeks, 2 Days

I would like to say a heartfelt "thank you" to the bear running around the neighborhood yesterday evening. He gave his life in order to try to scare me into labor, and I do appreciate it, even if it didn't work. Also, thank you to the police officer who discharged his shotgun at the bear. I appreciate both the attempt to scare me into labor and the protection from wild animals. Also, sorry to the animal control lady running through our yard if she stepped in any "presents" from the dog. I appreciate your part in the whole shock-Terri-into-labor attempt.

Sadly, it did not work.

So despite the efforts of Denville's Finest and one rogue bear, I am still pregnant.

Doctor's appointment this afternoon, in about 4 hours. We'll see what's up with my cervix then.

Posted by Terri at 12:20 PM | Comments (5)

May 15, 2006

40 Weeks, 1 Day

Today's Ticker:

Okay, okay, I'll admit it, I really liked it in my mommy, but I'm finally ready to go!
Hooray! I've Arrived!
And the other one:
40w1d, 0 day left
Shut up, ticker. I hate you.

Posted by Terri at 10:04 AM | Comments (1)

May 12, 2006

39 Weeks, 5 Days

We learned a valuable lesson yesterday. We learned why ultrasounds are done in the 20th week. It's because ultrasounds done in the 40th week suck.

I was sure I would find out the sex of the baby, but the baby is just too big and cramped, with his/her legs pulled all the way up (in the fetal position), so there was no telling the sex.

I was sure I'd get awesome pictures. After all, it's a fully formed baby in there. But no, the baby is so big, it's like taking an ultrasound of your own internal organs. "Oh look, there's the bladder" (of the baby). Or, "that's part of the thigh bone." It didn't look like a baby at all. It was kind of like looking at the ultrasound I had done of my gall bladder years ago. You just kind of had to take the tech's word for it. The only thing I could clearly make out was the top of the head, because it's this big round top-of-head-shaped thing.

So no sex, no pictures. Well, I really went in there to find out the size of the baby for the doctor anyway. And we did get that. The baby is 3742 grams (give or take 434 grams). Which honestly, means nothing to me. So I went to the handy-dandy internet because I figured Mr. Google would be able to convert grams to lbs/oz for me. Well, the baby is 8 lbs 4 oz, give or take 15 oz.


So basically, what you're telling me is, the baby could be anywhere from 7 lbs 5 oz to 9 lbs 3 oz??? That's a BIG DIFFERENCE! Hopefully the doctor will be able to interpret this information in whatever way he needs to. Because to me, that tells me nothing except the baby is somewhere in the range of baby-size.

Now, I guess our plan for the next few days is to wait and see. I go back on Tuesday and maybe then he can tell me what's going to happen. We'll see then if I've progressed any, and I guess then I may know when the baby's coming (either by induction or C-section).

I hate waiting.

Posted by Terri at 08:19 AM | Comments (3)

May 11, 2006

39 Weeks, 4 Days

After a little retail therapy yesterday (thanks Viz!) I'm feeling much better about the situation. It's a wonder what spending money you don't have will do for your spirits...

Terri's List O' Reasons Why A Scheduled C-Section Is Actually A Good Thing

  1. My doctor will be the one responsible, instead of whoever is on call when I go into labor.

  2. Baby does not come out with a pill-head, puffy eyes, or broken blood vessels.

  3. No labor. No contractions

  4. No chance of episiotomy.

  5. No chance of "emergency" c-section.

  6. Four days in the hospital instead of two.

  7. Eight paid weeks off from work instead of six.

  8. Everything "down there" will not get all stretched out and I'll be the same as I was pre-pregnancy.

  9. I get to pick the birth date of my baby.

  10. No messy water breaking all over the place

  11. I don't have to decide if I want an epidural or not.

  12. Cool scar (which I can traumatize my mother with by threatening to show it to people).

  13. No chance of pooping on the table during the pushing phase.

  14. Don't have to worry about breathing techniques or labor positions or any of the other crap we wasted spent $125 to learn about.

  15. EDIT
  16. Won't aggravate the 'roids.

  17. END-EDIT.
If anyone has more, by all means, feel free to let me know!

Posted by Terri at 12:47 PM | Comments (0)

May 10, 2006

39 Weeks, 3 Days

So I just got back from the doctor.

Before the exam started - once I was in the room but before I was examined - the nurse, and then the doctor, started trying to sell me on the idea of induction. You know, the baby's fully cooked, so it can come out at any time. Induction isn't as bad as everyone says, he doesn't just crank up the pitocin and let you suffer through horrible intense labor pains; he tries to make it progress like regular labor.

That was all before the exam. Then he felt my cervix again. (Uncomfortable, but not as bad as last time since I was prepared for it.)

My cervix is still shut tight and thick. I actually said to the doctor, "You're kidding, right?" hoping it was some kind of sick joke. Nope, it was not a joke. Then everything changed. He doesn't want to induce because it may not take and then it will end up with a C-section after trying to induce me. Words everyone wants to hear.

He pulled out the little doppler and I got to hear the heartbeat, which was only a little nice, since I was worried about the baby and worried about my cervix and worried about a C-section and worried about induction. Then he measured my belly. I'm apparently "measuring rather big" which means the baby is rather big. So he starts feeling around my belly and says he thinks the baby is a little over 8 lbs.

So what now? Where do I go from here?

Well, tomorrow I go back in for an ultrasound to see how big the baby is. If the baby is over 9 lbs, then I get to go for an "elective C-section." If not, I have an appointment next week on Tuesday where we check out my cervix again. If there is progress, we induce. If not, well, he didn't really go there, but I think it either means trying to induce or having a C-section (or possibly both, who knows?)

I asked what I can do to help it along. You know, besides all the sex and walking. So he laughed and said more sex and walking, then patted my shoulder. Like I'm supposed to enjoy sex at 9 months pregnant. Or walking, for that matter.

I am trying to look at the silver lining to my cloud. First, I know that my cervix is nice and strong, and if I ever suffer from temporary insanity and decide to have another child, incompetent cervix should not be a problem. Second, I get to go for an ultrasound tomorrow, which means, hopefully, we will have a definitive answer as to what the sex of the baby is. And if it turns out to be a boy, we have some time to run out and get boy clothes. And if it really is a girl, I can put the "neutral, just-in-case take-me-home outfit" back in the drawer and revel in the frilly pink outfit that is packed in my suitcase. And third, I keep telling myself that this all doesn't matter, as long as the end result is a healthy baby and a healthy mommy. I think that's my new mantra. Healthy baby, healthy mom. Healthy baby, healthy mom.

Say it with me, people! And think open and thin thoughts at my cervix! Oh, and think "small baby" too...

Posted by Terri at 12:27 PM | Comments (2)

May 09, 2006

39 Weeks, 2 Days

Still pregnant. No labor.

I have regressed back to about sixteen years old. Why do I say this?

  1. Nobody understands me. Yes, with the extra 10+ years of experience, I realize that this is just my perception and not truth, but it is a very strong perception. Nobody gets it. Ok, and I also realize that anyone who is pregnant or has ever been pregnant gets it, so you all get a bye. But seriously, if you haven't been 9 months pregnant, you just Don't Get It.

  2. I am constantly hungry. As a teenager, my mom would call my brother and me "the locusts" because we would descend upon the house, eat all the food, then go off again. I haven't been full in I don't know how long. I have only been starving, hungry, and not quite hungry enough to get off my lazy bum and go down to the kitchen and rustle up some food. There is no full.

  3. My hormones are out of control. Seriously. Everything pisses me off, or makes me immensely happy. I haven't been on this kind of roller coaster of emotions since high school. My pregnancy angst is overwhelming.

  4. I can sleep til noon. Now, I was never one of those people to get up on the weekend or when they're off from work at 7:00 am (except on vacation at Disney or on the Cruise when there's so much to do). But sleeping til 11:00 or noon? When I had a late morning on the weekends I would be up before 10:00. And that was a late morning. Usually on the weekends I was up by nine. I realize my days are going to begin earlier with kids, but in my current non-parental state, yeah, about 9:00 we would be up and ready to go. It is now 20 after 11:00 and I just got up. I haven't been able to sleep like that since teenagerdom.

  5. My skin has declared war. I never really had bad skin. I'd get a zit here or there in High School. I never really took that good care of my skin either; I was just lucky. But now, since I've been pregnant, I have to be uber careful with my face or it breaks out all over the place.
But hopefully soon it will all be over and I can go back to being a boring adult and not be channeling my teenage self.

Posted by Terri at 11:10 AM | Comments (0)

May 08, 2006

39 Weeks, 1 Day

The ticker mocks me.

Today's ticker:

This is it! I'm done squirming around in here! Unless I'm feeling ultra snuggly.
Ticker should say:
Oh, you're still here? Haven't you had that baby yet?
Yes, I am still pregnant. And let me tell you how overjoyed i am about that. I really have nothing else to say except my due date is in 6 days and I'm going to the mall. Yesterday I organized CDs. Tomorrow I may alphabetize the bookcase. Nesting? Maybe. Bored? Absolutely!

Posted by Terri at 12:05 PM | Comments (0)

May 05, 2006

38 Weeks, 5 Days

First, some technical issues. I'm sorry I haven't been responding to comments. I am no longer receiving comments in my email. Darren is looking into this problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. Thank you for your patience. ;)

So on to newer and more exciting things.

I'm still pregnant. According to the ticker, I have 9 days left. My cervix and I have been having long, meaningful talks. Well, actually, I talk and my cervix - I can only assume - ignores me. Why do I think it ignores me? Because I haven't gone into labor yet.

Today officially ends week 3 of maternity leave. Now, I'm sure if I was on vacation somewhere exotic and exciting, and I wasn't ginormously huge, three weeks would be a wonderful amount of time off. As it is, I'm cooped up in this house all day, my only company a dog who wants nothing more than to sleep and scratch at her stitches. It's not so much the boredom - I could find stuff to do - it's the lack of company. When you find yourself talking to inanimate objects, you know it's gotten bad. I know, I know, I should be getting my rest in now, but there's only so much rest I can take.

Oh look, here's the dog. Hi, dog. What are you doing? No! Wait, don't leave!

Stupid dog.

Anyway, I know I'm being completely cranky, and I should be glad for the fact that I don't have to drag ass into work every day, but there are people at work. There are no people here. And apparently I'm not good enough company for the dog anymore. Add that to the fact that the baby has declared war on my intestines, and it's not such a good time over here at pregnancy central. (You haven't lived until you've had an unborn infant kicking you in the spleen). And my ears are still stuffy.

Let me see; let's end this on a positive note... It's Friday! Yay! You might say, "What do you care for Friday? You're home every day!" Well, Friday means that tomorrow Darren will be home and I'll have another real live human to talk to instead of a dog, my various body parts and other things around the house that really don't hold up their end of the conversation. So yay for Friday!

Posted by Terri at 09:02 AM | Comments (1)

May 03, 2006

38 Weeks, 3 Days

I hate my cervix. But more on that later.

According to the ticker, I have 11 days left. According to me, I don't think I'm ever going into labor. But more on that later.

This morning I went to the daycare program. I was very impressed. It was clean; it had a good teacher/student (or caregiver/infant) ratio and they did a lot of stuff with the kids. There was no TV. There was quiet music playing in the infant room and everything was bright and fun. They have a list by week of what they are working on with the kids - starting at the littlest infants they have there - for motor skills and other developmental stuff. The kids there were happy, seemed to genuinely like the teachers, and were very well behaved. So we put our deposit down and hopefully in September they will have an opening in their Infant program.

This afternoon I went back to the doctor. Actually, I went to the doctor yesterday, but he was called into emergency surgery and wasn't there. I got weighed (lost another pound!) and had my blood pressure and urine and whatnot checked. But since I'm in my 39th week and really should have had an internal exam starting last week (not that it turned out to matter), the nurse wanted me to come back today to get my exam. So I did.


First of all, I learned today that when someone touches your cervix, it hurts a lot. I think I now know why the phrase "hurts like a mother" came into being, since to becoming a mother involves the harassing of your cervix and other such pains as I have not yet experienced but for which there are drugs.

Second, I learned today that my cervix is not at all cooperative. I am not the least bit dialated or effaced or anything. Of course, according to the doctor, this doesn't mean I can't go into "rip roaring labor" (his words) tonight. I'm guessing the chances of that, however, are fairly slim. But, thankfully, there are two things I can do to help my cervix along - walks and sex. (Let me just tell you, having a health care professional tell you that you need to have lots of sex is quite a trip. Having the nurse then tell you that she knows it's difficult to have sex in your ninth month and you need to "be creative" is even more of a trip.)

As of right now, my cervix is shut tight and not letting anybody out, much to the despair of both me and my unborn child, who is undoubtedly tired of the cramped conditions in my belly. I expressed my displeasure (read: whined) to the doctor about this and he said they can induce early, but with how my cervix is, it may not be that effective. I said I didn't want to induce early, I'm just cranky, there's nothing really wrong. He then told me I'm normal and everyone hits this point, so I shouldn't think there's anything wrong with me. But if it's unbearable, they can try to induce. I said, no, I can wait. *sigh* Then I asked about if I go past my due date and he said at 41 weeks they have to induce. So at least there is an end in sight.

Posted by Terri at 01:42 PM | Comments (2)

May 01, 2006

38 Weeks, 1 Day

Today's Ticker:

I'm at least 7 lbs & if I decide to stay in here, my fingernails will need to be clipped!
Yes, your fingernails will have to be clipped and we will have to do some sort of procedure or something to fix whatever it is that makes your elbows, feet, knees and hands so pointy and sharp and painful.


I'm still pregnant. Yes, I know I'm not due for another 13 days, but seriously, this is getting old.

So I've been interviewing daycare people. And I have to know, is it so much to ask that you don't have the television on all day? I read that kids should not watch TV until age 2. I'm not sure if that's really honestly physically possible, but if I drop my baby off at day care at 7ish and pick him/her up at 4ish, that's a lot of hours sitting in front of the television. I don't want to raise a couch potato. And don't tell me it's because infants don't do much. Infants can do just plenty. They can interact with people. You can make faces at them and they can respond. They can have their tummy time. Don't tell me patronizingly that "it's ok if you don't want them to sit in the baby carrier, I can put them in the porta-crib. *laugh* The moms who are on their third child just say 'oh leave them in [the baby carrier] for a while'."

No, I'm not anal about the baby carrier because this is my first child. I'm not anal about the television because this is my first child. I don't want my second or any children after that to be fat little couch potatoes or develop flat head either. And if I'm so wiped after one kid that I don't care about the well being of my second, then I'd best off stop at one.

I actually think I've been pretty reasonable for a first-time mom. I've been pretty laid back. I didn't go crazy with the wipes warmer and the bottle sterilizer and I understand the fact that most likely, the baby will ingest dog slobber at one point or another. But as for mental, physical or emotional development of my child, I am not willing to skimp. Not for this one, not for the next one, not for anybody.

Ok, so that rambled a little more than I meant to. Wednesday I have an appointment with an "institutional" day care. From the website it sounds like an awesome program. There is no television, and it seems like they spend time with the infants. Then for toddlers and older, they seem to have really great programs in place. I know I wanted someone in home, but I'm just not sure that we'll get someone who doesn't just plop the kids in front of the TV. The woman we had lined up didn't do that, but who knows if we'll find someone else like that. I'd be ok with this program as long as it really is as good as it seems. We shall see.

On another note, my doctor has returned from vacation and I go to see him tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure he'll be all smug about the fact that I didn't go into labor, just like he said, after I freaked out on him that he was leaving me for a week. I think I actually get an internal exam, so maybe he'll look at me and tell me something awesome like I've started to dialate and I'm going to go into labor any day now. That would be ... um... what's the word?

... let's spin the wheel of adjectives... *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

That would be PHENOMENAL!

Posted by Terri at 03:05 PM | Comments (2)